Wacked Fred Phelps weighs in on Giffords

He even takes on Palin.

Every child born into this family is another case of child abuse!
These people are about as low on the intelligence levels as man can go - I don't wish bad things on anyone, but this man's will not be missed on his final day when he gets to meet his god up close and finds out he's been sent to the basement!

Edit: thanks for posting but I can't up-vote his bigotry!


I agree. I almost didn't upvote it myself, for the same reason. I just posted for informational purposes. Even though it grants him a larger audience.

>> ^Sagemind:

Edit: thanks for posting but I can't up-vote his bigotry!


Question for the sift:
Should something like "WBB church prays for more shooters, more violent veterans and more dead" be protected speech? IMHO that's incitement to violence and Phelps should be arrested for it.


I'm thinking that somebody is going to get a visit from the FBI.

If this guy thinks these guys are heroes, what does that make him? A coward for sitting in his basement with a webcam.


>> ^campionidelmondo:

So you're all upvoting this video ... ironically?? Sorry bareboards2, but I'm gonna downvote this, because you're essentially spreading this guy's hate.

I'm up voting to bring more attention to it. I'm not worried about people being influenced by this guy, he's nutty enough that I'd much rather his ravings be better known. For anyone that wants to side with him, I say bring it on. I'm comfortable standing with a better informed majority aware of how vile and evil he and those following him are.

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