The Frankenstein-Cat

Do the creep!

cripes.. it's common policy to look for ways to bring stuff into a channel when it's new to sort of spread the word about a new channel option. Contrary to what @xxovercastxx said in his original comment, "frankenstein" himself is within the guidelines of the new "undead" channel. "Things that are alive that shouldn't be" sort of deal. Why isn't anyone upset that the cat ISN'T REALLY FRANKENSTEIN, HEY NORSUELFANTTI YOU BETTER GET IN HERE AND FIX YOUR MISLEADING TITLE

I didn't see anyone getting butthurt over this:
so I went with a similar gag.

>> ^solecist:

>> ^residue:
HEY! Isn't frankenstein...... undead!?
also quality

seriously, who upvoted this? are you guys all in some sort of channel ruining gang?


>> ^residue:

cripes.. it's common policy to look for ways to bring stuff into a channel when it's new to sort of spread the word about a new channel option. Contrary to what @xxovercastxx said in his original comment, "frankenstein" himself is within the guidelines of the new "undead" channel. "Things that are alive that shouldn't be" sort of deal. Why isn't anyone upset that the cat ISN'T REALLY FRANKENSTEIN, HEY NORSUELFANTTI YOU BETTER GET IN HERE AND FIX YOUR MISLEADING TITLE
I didn't see anyone getting butthurt over this:
so I went with a similar gag.
>> ^solecist:
>> ^residue:
HEY! Isn't frankenstein...... undead!?
also quality

seriously, who upvoted this? are you guys all in some sort of channel ruining gang?

Way I see it you very probably should not be tagging videos simply based on words in the title. If I clicked the Undead channel I would honestly not expect to see this video.
To hammer home the point, imagine there's an electric guitar in the background - do we tag that then as Rock?

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