Old Spice Guy Is Gay

From YT: Those political mischief makers The Chaser put an election spin on Old Spice Guy and once again cut through the spin with their energetic irreverence to present a unique analysis of the political debate just days out from the federal election.

He mentions his daughter in his youtube old spice bits. Don't think too many unmarried men are allowed/permitted to adopt...gay or not. And in the youtube videos they got him sending flowers and stuff to Alyssa Milano.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

I do think it would be pretty big news. Here's this paragon of heterosexual manliness that we're being compared to by Proctor & Gamble - it would be sweet, sweet, sweet if he was gay- and it would help us schlubby pear-bodies out with our SOs as well.>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^Xax:
>> ^dag:
Is the Old Spice guy gay?

Fingers crossed, am I right?!?

Right. And I'd only need him to be gay for an hour or so, then the straights could have him back.


I think it's so funny how people in these parody videos do so poorly at mimicking his comedic timing. Even this guy does a pretty good job with the tone but is still only speaking at about half the speed.

I guess it just shows how hard it actually is.

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