Jordan Vs Muhammad Ali Epic Rap Battle

Low blows all around. Awesome the first time and awesome period.

Oh, and two words. Key and Peele. Nouf said son.

It's slightly weird isn't it? I actually don't think they needed to do that anymore than trying to fool us into seeing Peele as a heavyweight boxer - which they didn't seem to do.


What this video taught me:

Black face, even on a biracial person, is still inappropriate.


Black face being inappropriate to your personal sensibilities regarding historically offensive stereotypes but not offensive at all when prompted by a passionately opportunistic "trigger" for your particular brand of robotic pontification, the "evil" of racism being the most IMPORTANT and most DELETERIOUS indicator of ignorance or a lack of current-events knowledge or moral character.

Fuck making blackface an issue, it's as tired as the cardboard box of enlightenment you stand on to set yourself above the huddled masses...


I'm not sure what that all meant, but I can sense that you are surprised/disappointed by my comment. Not to backtrack, because there is something that certainly struck me as odd and upsetting when I realized what the makeup artist had done here, but my comment was pithy to a fault; inappropriate was the wrong choice of words.

I have thought several times about it since I first made the point, and 'offputting' or 'disturbing' might have been better. I am not offended (specifically because I am white, so what the fuck do I have to be offended about) by the use of makeup in this case nor do I think that it violates some moral code (of which I am but a subjective arbiter). Rather, I think it was so poorly done as to draw attention and detract from the end product.

Blackface can be done right (a la Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder) and it can be done wrong (e.g., every privileged white kid who dressed up as Trayvon Martin this Halloween). In this case, it was done wrong, if only subtly so.


Black face being inappropriate to your personal sensibilities regarding historically offensive stereotypes but not offensive at all when prompted by a passionately opportunistic "trigger" for your particular brand of robotic pontification, the "evil" of racism being the most IMPORTANT and most DELETERIOUS indicator of ignorance or a lack of current-events knowledge or moral character.

Fuck making blackface an issue, it's as tired as the cardboard box of enlightenment you stand on to set yourself above the huddled masses...


Who's got the choggie translator at the moment?


Black face being inappropriate to your personal sensibilities regarding historically offensive stereotypes but not offensive at all when prompted by a passionately opportunistic "trigger" for your particular brand of robotic pontification, the "evil" of racism being the most IMPORTANT and most DELETERIOUS indicator of ignorance or a lack of current-events knowledge or moral character.

Fuck making blackface an issue, it's as tired as the cardboard box of enlightenment you stand on to set yourself above the huddled masses...

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