'Israel's Secret Weapon' - Fascinating BBC Documentary

Which country in the Middle East has undeclared Nuclear Weapons? Which country in the Middle East has undeclared biological and chemical capabilities? Which country in the Middle East has no outside inspections? Which country jailed its nuclear whistleblower for 18 years? The answer is Israel. This video has particular relevance in light of the enormous pressure being currently placed on Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions. This is just another example of American double standards when dealing with Israel.

Firstly, Syria does not have nuclear weapons - nor are there any signs that it is intending to develop them. Secondly when you say ' Which country in the Middle East hasn't constantly tried to wipe out its neighbors?' you surely aren't referring to Israel. For over fifty years they have attempted to wipe out the Palestinians through land-grabs, military operations, economic sanctions, resource stealing, apartheid walls, etc. Furthermore, they have collectively punished the Lebanese people on numerous occasions by indiscriminately bombing their capital city, major industrial centers, and infrastructure. Thirdly, Israel has a huge undeclared arsenal of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons which is subject to no outside inspections. They acquired this arsenal by lying to the Americans and the rest of the international community. Iran (and Iraq for that matter) has been a lot more open about its nuclear program than Israel ever has.

While I strongly support the right of Israel to exist it is about time the international community put pressure on Israel to conform to the same international standards that it seems so desperate to impose on the Islamic world. Israel, and America (heavily influenced by AIPAC) are just as responsible for bringing instability to the Middle East as Iran, Syria, and Iraq.

One final point, when Pakistan got the bomb it was referred to by the Western Media as 'the Islamic bomb' - despite the fact that Pakistan was being ruled by a non-Islamic party at the time. However, we never hear Israel's undeclared and illegal nuclear arsenal being referred to as 'the Jewish bomb, or India's as the 'Hindu bomb', or America's as 'the Christian bomb'. This is just another example of the complete double-standards of the Western media.


That Hindu bomb is the best....aishwarya rai...

Sorries, must say that to expect children to play nice and share, is a tall order.....if space is the real issue with regard to the Palestinians and Israelis, no-one should have to put up with asses and elbows, how about permaculture in the desert? How about establishing Lebanon as the new Jerusalem, let the Palestinians have a rebuild party with the Lebanese, oh and, lose that religious baggage while yer at it...I would personnally have the sentiment, "Never Again" just like the Jews do....Semetic and proud, semetic and loud...

Even the musings here, of some bizzaro, ideal choggie world, are as hair-brained as trying to use logic and reason with regard to culture, and borders, in this seemingly absurd, never-ending drama.

The world will likely snap against the strain of man's collective inhumanity toward fellow mouth-breathers...


"How about establishing Lebanon as the new Jerusalem, let the Palestinians have a rebuild party with the Lebanese"

How about we keep Jerusalem where it is but have serious negotiations, debates and compromises about its future - it is equally important to Palestinians and Israelis, as it is to all the monotheistic faiths, and any long term solution must reflect these fundamental facts.

How about we let the Palestinians stay on their own lands, with the ability to rule and govern their own borders. How about we stop punishing them for their democratic choice of leadership by cutting the funding which many Palestinians rely on.

And finally, there would be no need for a 'rebuild party' in Palestine or Lebanon if Israel (with America's unqualified support) hadn't done its very best to destroy the infrastructure and the peoples of both countries.

"That Hindu bomb is the best....aishwarya rai..." - couldn't agree more!!!

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