Interactive Video Cutout

The work presents an interactive system for quickly creating alpha
mattes for objects in a video. Unlike previous techniques commonly
employed in the visual-fx industry (e.g., rotoscoping) our system can
help novice users create professional quality mattes with very little
manual effort.

These alpha mattes can then be used to cut out objects from one video
and composite them into another video. Alpha mattes can also be used to
apply image filters selectively to objects in a video.

Project website


Often these algorithms can leave a faint footprint in the image/video which could be detected using other algorithms. I bet in the future we will have "video forensic experts" who will primarily try to challenge the video evidence being presented in a trail by detecting these footprints. I bet there is some of that going on already. Don't video experts often comment on why a particular footage of an "alien sighting" is fake?

I guess if we are willing to accept eye-witness testimony under penalty of perjury then video evidence should be no different. Though I do think that current juries are more likely to believe video evidence over eye-witness testimony. Probably because it's easier to lie than to edit videos.


All simply awesome, both the thinking behind it and the fairly straightforward explanation. Can't claim I understood it all, but I it was well explained enough that I caught pieces. I'd love to have access to a tool like this.

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