Halo 3: Homophobia Evolved (NSFW)

This is why Halo 3 MP is such a nightmare to play.

From Youtube: This is what happens when gay Masterchiefs don't abide by "Don't ask Don't tell".

Watch what ensues when I use a gamertag that's proud and unambiguous, xxxGayBoyxxx.

Other than maybe a quick "hello" to the chat room or a request to "veto", I didn't say anything first or taunt anyone. What was said by these players was done with no provocation on my part. The vast majority of the times I wouldn't even respond back so the audio would be clear.

Things I didn't include in this video are the betrayals (people on my team killing me), players asking me NOT to party up, or all leaving mid-game so that I'm all alone.

Not everything in this video was said with hate. I can take a joke, and I never took offense to what was said in it. My purpose for this video was only to raise awareness. Next time you're interacting with a gay person, even an obvious one that has gay written all over him/her, be sensible. They're not asking for it, that's just who they are, and unlike me, they may in fact be hurt by your comments.

Why are we supposed to give a shit if you're gay? I don't run around with the tag "xxxheteroboyxxx" - so why should I pay you any extra attention?
Disclaimer: I am not endorsing anything said here, but I certainly would have made the joke that gayboy has so-and-so's back - 'cause that's just funny.


Why are we supposed to give a shit if you're a marine? I don't run around with the tag "xxxCivillianUnarmedxxx" - so why should I pay you any extra attention?

but more to the point, the video is illustrative of the levels of unprovoked harassment that some people have to endure. If someone had a tag that was something like "afroman" or "Azn4life", would it be ok for people to "nigger" or "Chink" and harass them extensively? Or what if their name was Mohammed?


Come of it man.

Just so I am clear, you created a pink uniformed character with the name "triple X Gayboy", and now you propose to be shocked by the statements of some Halo 3 gamers?

Was xxx crack-smoker xxx already taken?

Verbal bashing has always been a part of Halo multiplayer no matter what your avatar's name is.


Everybody throwing these insults is a little bit gay and they goddamn know it. Listen to the fear and intrigue in their voices. Their hetero chatup lines are probably also along the lines of "how much do you like cock".

Latent. Latent i say. At least xxxgayboyxxx knows who he is.



That's not even close to the same thing. Lot's of people are proud of their jobs or their service. I'm not so proud to be a man, so proud to be white, or so proud to straight that I have to shove that fact into everyone's face. I don't care if people want to be gay. I care when they act a fool and dress and talk a certain way on purpose so I can't help but notice. I totally agree with what MarineGunrock is saying. I hate the fact that H3 matchmaking is so vulgar and I wouldn't use the name "GayBoy" as the best example of someone using their sexual orientation to draw attn to themselves, but still.......

Most of the people that play H3 are High School age and College age boys. Don't tell me that he chose the name "GayBoy" for any other reason than to get reactions out of people. Gay jokes are funny to boys the same way sex jokes and bathroom humor are funny to them. I've played H3 and had people make dirty jokes directed at me when my mic wasn't even plugged in. Most of the players in this video probably didn't even think he was really gay. They just jump on the opportunity to be the center of attention.

...Just like "GayBoy".


^so.... they're all idiots, right? but then we knew that, because they are playing fuckin Halo.

i don't think this guy is outraged and demanding the right to use the word gay in his username without getting negative comments... YOU projected that onto him.

I think he was just showing what a bunch of juvenile meatheads the other players are. And he did a very good job of showing that.



that gay jokes are common among HS and College boys is not any better than the fact that Nigger and Noose jokes are common in certain parts.

Why is is that straight men (in particular) are so threatened by gay men, that a mere mention of their sexuality is viewed as "shoving it in your face". Compare that with some frat boy wearing a "bikini Inspector" or "big pimpin" shirt, and let's re-examine the idea of who is "flaunting their sexuality".

And of course he chose that name to get reactions out of people. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to get a reaction out of people. Discrimination, prejudice, and harassment don't go away on their own.


You're right.

I never said that gay jokes or racist jokes are okay. I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I take vulgar language very seriously. I don't think it has any place in society. I think parents that hear their boy talking like that should knock some sense into 'em.

I lived in San Fransisco when I was younger and I know a lot of gay people that I like very much. I saw more homosexuality in one week than you'll see in your life. I'm not threatened by Homosexuals. I'm annoyed by so called "Flamers". I think frat boys are especially annoying, and I make fun of guys wearing "bikini inspector" shirts. Does that make me intolerant? Well then why am I intolerant if I'm annoyed by a "Flamer"? I think a guy wearing a pastel colored shirt, daisy dukes, lipstick, and roller blades is asking for people to poke fun at him. That's all I'm saying.

I think some straight men are uncomfortable around gay men, not threatened. The more time you spend around people of different backgrounds and races and lifestyles, the more comfortable you feel around them, right? That's human nature.

P.S. You realize you're invoking Rosa Parks while we're talking about frat boys and gay halo 3 players, right?


I've been gaming since 1997 and this has always been around. It's not even the worst of it. It's unfortunate and annoying as I grow older and the gamers are still just as immature. But, I'm just saying, this is not news.


What I found funny was the sociological change that occurred in the video. At first, everyone is just jibing or out-and-out bashing him. Near the end though, the tone changed and more people were joking/kidding and GayBoy had gained some acceptance, whether the other players were strong enough to admit it or not.

In the end (no pun intended), this is just human nature. Not a whole lot you can do about it except get thicker skin. Is it right? Of course not; no one *likes* to be singled out and made fun of. But you'll never get anywhere getting upset about something that's beyond your direct control.


Just like MINK said, I think there is alot of latent gayness in those chatrooms, alot of repression and curiosity.

Anyone remember American Beauty? Or ever heard of Larry Craig? Or Mark Foley? Many, many "gay-haters" are just people who have homosexual tendencies and are afraid of it, or more specifically afraid of what their peers would do to them if they came out of the closet.

Most straight guys wouldn't give a second thought to another guys homosexuality if they were really comfortable with their own sexuality in the beginning.

And for the MarineGunrocks and other "conservatives" reading this, check this out; 9 of the top 10 hits on conservapedia are about homosexuality, with the other one being the main page. I shit you not.


Even if these stats were "botted", conservatives everywhere in the blogosphere have conceded that "homosexuality" is legitimately the most viewed page on conservapedia.

Long story short - conservatives are obsessed with homosexuality. Marine Gunrock, I have a gay cousin you can meet. You 2 would get along nicely - he is as angry and repressed as you, and maybe quantummushroom can cum along too.


@sometimes: You shouldn't.


Seriously? Trying to call me a closet homosexual? At what point did I say that I hate gay people, or that they should all die, or "gay is not the way!"?
I didn't. I am completely secure is my sexuality. And I don't need to meet your cousin, but thanks. I already have a gay friend who is angry and repressed. You don't take showers with 35 naked men sanding around you for three months and go "ew!" every time. So fucking what if there's a naked guy next to me? Hell, I wouldn't even care if he was staring at my package. That makes him gay, not me.

All I'm saying is that just because your gay, that doesn't mean you have to flaunt it. And yes, "Female Body Inspector" t shirts are lame. The only female bodies they will be inspecting are on paper.


This is only shocking to people who are unfamiliar with gaming conversation to begin with. And for that matter people who forget what it was like to be between the ages of 15-25 (give or take).

Males in that age group tend to be vulgar and abusive to each other. If they lived together theyd punch, kick, prank, humiliate each other as well. The fact that these actions are predominantly aimed at the maker of this video is obvious, the name. If someone was named aznsniper, beaner, spictastic, curryking, frenchfry, or any other name indicating personal information about them then they'll likely have insults hurled at them as well. Some maybe more than others but it'll happen eventually.

That coupled with the fact that the maker likely did kill other people and its a gauranteed reaction. If i own some guy its not unlikely he may say something like "lucky shot" or "noob class/weapon" or "RANDOM". But if my names something like the above listed instead I'll hear "go back to mexico" "why dont you go eat some rice" "bomb anything lately?" "surrender to the germans lately?" etc.

I'm not condoning this behavior, but one must accept that certain environments will harbor certain behaviors. If I go into a femanist chat room I should expect to hear unpleasant things about men. If I go into a biker bar I should expect to hear vulger language and unpleasant things about yuppies and import cars. If I go into a gay bar id hear bad things about conservative people.

If I prefer not to be in the presence of such things, i either find a well managed/monitored server or i find a different game. I know a TF2 server i play on will boot people for cussing or lude comments after one warning, and in general i have a great time there.


yes, I realize the context in which I am invoking Rosa Parks. I did so because so many apologists invoke the "well, that's just how things are, deal with it". That is the same argument given to justify things like blacks once having to give up bus seats to whites, or sexual harassment towards a female in a male dominated industry.


Major Nelson posted a response to this: I just watched (listened) to the video you posted on your site. Needless to say, it was disappointing to see how some Xbox LIVE members behave. As you know, that is not the type of behavior we support. With over 8-million members, it's unfortunate that some members decide to act like this.


honestly, most of what I heard ws nicer than how they act towards a female name. I love me some Xbox but you couldn't PAY me to play it online. I'll stick to MMORPGs where females might be uncommon but at least they are respected.


what IS interesting is in the commentary, when he is tlaking about the things you can't hear; players dropping him, "friendly fire" deaths and whole teams deserting him. Now THAT is homphobic - they'd rather ditch a game and a possible teammate than play with someone who is possibly gay? Ridiculous. But as I said, nothing that wouldn't happen to a female.


and @MGR I have respect for you and I understand where you and deedub are coming from however consider this: it's a heterosexual culture. Heteros don't need to "shove it in your face" because that's already done for you. Billboards, advertisements, fashion, hell even polite banter all goes on the assumption that everyone is heterosexual (especially men)
While the vast majority of gays are used to that and deal with it just fine, it's very annoying to hear "don't shove it in my face" as if gays are on some kind of mission to "force" everyone to acknowledge their gayness. It's not about "shoving it in your face" it's about being allowed to comfortably express a part of you that is not consider "normal" and not have to feel threatened by doing so. Sure, going into an online game server with "gayboy" as a name is begging for harrassment, think about it - it shouldn't be seen as such. THe reason everyone is on that server is because they want to play a game. What do you care if someone is gay, right? Well by the same token what do you care if that gamers primary sense of identity happens to be connected to his sexuality? COnsidering some of the more offensive and stupid names I've seen on servers that refer to heterosexuality (Usually names indidcating what a huge genital member they have) or satanism (which I do not really believe there are THAT many satanists on game servers) or their "leetness" I can't believe you'd be so asinine as to say something disparaging about someone choosing the benign title of "gayboy"
I'd think someone who calls himself "gayboy" far more mature than "bigbon3r" or "c00zdiv3r" or "b33lz3bub" any day of th eweek


I realize that the point of this video is to show that he should have had a better atmosphere to play in, but I never said he was trying to shove it in my face. My previous comments were a generalization of the flamers. Like I said before, I personally don't give a shit if someone is gay, but if someone had the name "ladyf*cker", "chickmganet69" or "bigcock4u" I would certainly make fun of them. After all, no one who is actually getting any uses a name like that.


Some good point posted. I'm with dirkdeagler and the lowest common denominator argument.

Going by the name 'xxxgayboyxxx' is a somewhat novel statement in an aggressive and violent team-based fighting game. I'm in no way surprised that a team of young men spent some time razing a player named 'xxxgayboyxxx' with a pink suit on; 'humor' that is offensive to some is a way to quickly figure out where people stand and what makes them tick. Some kids take it too far, some defend the novel player, ... completely unsurprising.


Homophobia is unavoidable in online gaming. Player kills you in an FPS? Call them a fag. Steals your kill? Gay. I'm an avid gamer, and I wish I could say that there was a tolerance effect from seeing so much hatred all the time, but there isn't. In fact, it's a sensitisation. It just gets more and more upsetting. It's the fact that it's so commonplace and routine, and it wears you down.

@MarineGunrock: "All I'm saying is that just because your gay, that doesn't mean you have to flaunt it."

I agree, you don't have to, but...
a) What's wrong with flaunting it?
b) The "flaunters" are associated with the Pride movement.
c) Heterosexuality is "flaunted" 24/7.


Good point.

I'm startin' to like you.... but I got something to say about this statement: While the vast majority of gays are used to that and deal with it just fine, it's very annoying to hear "don't shove it in my face" as if gays are on some kind of mission to "force" everyone to acknowledge their gayness. Oh, there are plenty of homosexuals that are "on some kind of mission," I can assure you. I've met plenty in my day. I just had a conversation about this with a lesbian co-worker of mine. She agrees.

This did get pretty serious, didn't it. But, I think it should be "Epic Discussions."


sometimes is right, throughout.

"With over 8-million members, it's unfortunate that some members decide to act like this." LOL@PR!!! correction: with over 8 million members playing stupid aggressive games, it's inevitable that 7.9million act like this.

MG lol... you used italics in your protestations of heterosexuality! that's so gay!

and dag, i claim prior art on your "genius" idea for a playlist.
remember my input into the comment voting debate about how good discussions should be highlighted? not just funny comments? oh... you don't remember.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Yeah Mink - I remember that - but I think you were promoting an idea of replacing comment voting with a separate system for highlighting good threads. Call my patent attorney.

BTW - what's your opinion on comment voting now?


It's kinda the same thing. What if I walked down the street or got up on stage always singing about how great white people are and how proud I am to be white? How do you think people would react? What would people of other races think about me?

An example of how this is just as silly:
"The world's full of hate discrimination and sin
People judgin other people by the color of skin
I'll attack this matter, in my own way"

...and then he goes on to single out a few great people simply because they have black skin. What about Abe Lincoln? Didn't he do something great for the black race? What if Martin Luther King Jr. was white? Asking not to be judged by something (i.e. Skin Color, sexual orientation) and then "Flaunting" it by talking about it all the time and being proud of the fact that it makes you different, is just childish to me. I want to be judged by my accomplishments and my deeds, not any other way. So, that's what I draw to other peoples attn by the things I say and by the way I act.

I don't go around screaming about how proud I am to be tall. It's obvious to everyone that I'm better than you when you stand next to me and you look all shrimpy.


When my younger brother was in middle school, he spent a lot of time on his hair. He would put all kinds of gel in it until he thought it looked perfect. He would talk about it and complain when he had bad hair days. My dad, my older brother, and I started calling him Mr. Hair. We called him that until about his Jr. year in high school. He started to just ignore us, he stopped talking about it all the time and did his hair in the bathroom by himself with nobody to see. The name just kind of disappeared and we forgot about the whole thing.


All the Halo games are hugely popular with the jock/frat-boy set. This is well-known and understood. So if you were to wear a t-shirt around a frat-party that said "xxxGayboyxxx", do you think you'd get a better reaction? No, you'd get the piss beaten out of you.

So what conclusions can we draw from this:

1. Jocks and frat-boys are dipshits.
2. Halo games are predominantly played by dipshits.
3. Don't be surprised if dipshits call you a fag.

I'm not sure why this is science. It's not complicated.


deedub: funny, I like you too. My salient point, however, is not so much whether some people (because ya gotta admit it's not just gays and it sure isn't gays as some kind of secret-society group) are on a mission, the salient point is what is that mission? My contention is that generally speaking, the only encompassing "mission" would be being able to be truthful about who you are. If you feel that someone taking a name online that reflects a part of their identity (and remember being gay is a categorical identity marker by dint of society - its not necessarily the choice of identification of the gay person) well welcome to the internet! It's how online "life" is; people often choose names they feel reflect upon their "inner" self. A lot of those names are TMI but there you are - people thumbing their nose at politeness and tact when online; that's certainly nothing new!
Sure, some people are on a mission, but to constantly yammer that gays are "forcing" straights to do anything except let them be gay without fear is rather silly. Gays couldn't force straights to do a damned thing being as gays are, you know, in the minority and all.


@KnivesOut: True enough, but it's not just the jocks. Log in to ANY online game and the most common insult is "fag". Homophobia isn't limited to one group, it is near ubiquitous. The "jock" crowd that is apparently drawn to Halo is just an easy mark.

@VideoSift: What's with this bizarre passive attitude that the way things are is the way things are, or that it's just the "jocks" or "kids" or "lowest common denominator"? It's NOT. Some parts of the country you don't go to? Jocks are just jocks? It's gayboy's fault for using that name? Yeah, and rape is a woman's fault for wearing sexy clothes, huh? One purpose of raising awareness is to affect change. Attitudes are not static. Equality is not to be earned. Shrugging off the problem doesn't excuse it or make it go away, though it may give those of you who don't have to deal with this bullshit every single day of your lives some mental comfort. </rant>


Gay has become a pejorative. "I stubbed my toe and spilled my drink... gay" That's just the transience of words. It also means happy/merry and homosexual, but it didn't always. To want the language to stay static is fruitless - move on to a new word or deal with it.

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