Guy Vs Fox News at Occupy Wall Street

Jesse LaGraca from Occupy Wall Street talks to Fox News...this clip never made it to air, via Kyle Christopher of Occupy Wall St.'s media team. -yt

If you told me that this interview was staged by Occupy Wall Street, I'd probably believe it. Not because of the points he made, but because he was able to make them. That reporter was unusually polite for Fox News.


>> ^Duncan:

If you told me that this interview was staged by Occupy Wall Street, I'd probably believe it. Not because of the points he made, but because he was able to make them. That reporter was unusually polite for Fox News.

Yeah, that's what I thought. If he were being interviewed by any of the more popular Fox "reporters" he would never have gotten a word in


>> ^Duncan:

If you told me that this interview was staged by Occupy Wall Street, I'd probably believe it. Not because of the points he made, but because he was able to make them. That reporter was unusually polite for Fox News.

Griff Jenkins is one of the worst offenders at Faux News.


I'm gonna wait for some more info, cause I smell a rat. This guy was too good and the reporter was too polite. There is no way this was a random "man on the street " interview. I'm getting conflicting impulses. There is more to this story. And....I want a hat like that!!


>> ^csnel3:

I'm gonna wait for some more info, cause I smell a rat. This guy was too good and the reporter was too polite. There is no way this was a random "man on the street " interview. I'm getting conflicting impulses. There is more to this story. And....I want a hat like that!!

Or maybe this man actually knows what he is talking about and/or regularly discusses this with his companions.

I've met lots of people that are able to talk very succinctly about subjects they are passionate about. I would think that is mainly who is at the rally right now (and especially at the beginning.) As always, passion does not necessitate intelligence, but it does happen. I'm sure there are lots of interviews with people that are exceedingly less organized with their thoughts.


>> ^curiousity:

>> ^csnel3:
I'm gonna wait for some more info, cause I smell a rat. This guy was too good and the reporter was too polite. There is no way this was a random "man on the street " interview. I'm getting conflicting impulses. There is more to this story. And....I want a hat like that!!

Or maybe this man actually knows what he is talking about and/or regularly discusses this with his companions.
I've met lots of people that are able to talk very succinctly about subjects they are passionate about. I would think that is mainly who is at the rally right now (and especially at the beginning.) As always, passion does not necessitate intelligence, but it does happen. I'm sure there are lots of interviews with people that are exceedingly less organized with their thoughts.

Also he's probably watched YEARS of man on the street interviews and we as americans have become much more media savvy and have developed the ability to distill our messages. If you went to college there is a good chance you had to argue a point up in front of hundreds of people. If he was in the debate club he could easily do this without blinking about a subject he read about the night before.


This is just a Web clip, guys. I don't doubt that it was a low-level Fox reporter. But because the fact that it's an articulate, reasonable liberal argument I don't think Fox will be airing it.

It simply doesn't fit the sensationalist, right-wing, fearmongering media agenda and they will undoubtedly filter it out.


>> ^EvilDeathBee:

>> ^Duncan:
If you told me that this interview was staged by Occupy Wall Street, I'd probably believe it. Not because of the points he made, but because he was able to make them. That reporter was unusually polite for Fox News.

Yeah, that's what I thought. If he were being interviewed by any of the more popular Fox "reporters" he would never have gotten a word in

Take note that you're not seeing footage from the Fox camera. This is recorded by someone with a handheld. You're used to seeing Fox interviews that have been recorded by Fox cameras and filtered by Fox editors to make anyone who isn't fringe-right look like they're fringe-left.

My guess is none of Fox's footage of this interview ever sees the light of day.


He doesn't know America is not a democracy.

He doesn't know conservatives are the majority in the USA. STILL!

Despite govt. making it outrageously expensive, enough Americans are still happy with their 'for-profit' health care (the rest of the Americans get it for "free")

These 'rebels' never have a thing to say about the libmedia, composed of exactly everyone else BUT Fox.

It would be nice if this far-from-starving fellow had some real facts to share instead of rhetoric. Not that he's a bad guy, there's just nothing here to work with.


My first impulse was that this is fake as well.

I just can't see an employee of news corp letting an interviewee dominate an exchange like that. I imagine they have a manual out there that teaches these people how to interrupt others before they can formulate a thought, right alongside when it tells you how to make a sweeping statement and disguise it as a question.

Also, I can't believe Quantumushroom had the balls to even comment on this video, much less accuse anyone of using rhetoric.

>> ^Duncan:

If you told me that this interview was staged by Occupy Wall Street, I'd probably believe it. Not because of the points he made, but because he was able to make them. That reporter was unusually polite for Fox News.

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