Fox not happy about a non-white Spiderman

Because non-whites are not real Americans.

So Peter Parker is a "traditional american hero" and the new brown spider man... he's not?

Btw, The Brown Recluse would be an awesomely (in)appropriate super-hero name.


the new spiderman is not spiderman

different abilities makes it a different mutant and should have a different name

many of the hardcore fans of marvel and spiderman franchise have already posted flames on the marvel forums, there is one thread over 2000 pages of protest

media will call it racism that we dont like it, but that's not true, the real spiderman in the alternate universe he got there from the normal one, but died.

this new thing they want to call spiderman has different powers and abilities, and to call it spiderman is stupid even Stan Lee has voiced his opposition to it.

If Stan Lee the "god" of the spiderman world is against it then of course the change is bullshit.

course no worries the sales will definitely tank, and noone will buy them in the first place. And those that are semi interested in it can download them off piratebay or demonoid and use free open source program comicbook reader to read them to see how bad they screwed it up


I have nothing against Black, yellow, green, blue or red super heroes - it's all the same to me. But why "Convert" already established characters? This totally kills off the entire stigma and mysticism which created them and made them famous. Peter Parker is a white male. lets deal with that.

Now, let's create some real Black (or other nationality) (Shi) super heroes. Albert Francis "Al" Simmons is black and what a great series that is/was. Why are the great and almighty comic Gods, DC & Marvel, so afraid of creating new super hero lines? Why do they just keep recycling the old ones? I've got nothing against bringing back old forgotten-about characters but why trash the already established?

Classic Coke anyone? Or was it better when they recycled it and changed the recipe?


Exactly - why not just create a whole new character with his/her own original story. The Brown Recluse sounds like a great start and wont get the push-back that a converted Spidy will. What a great opportunity to start a new franchise!
>> ^KnivesOut:

Btw, The Brown Recluse would be an awesomely (in)appropriate super-hero name.


BECAUSE THE FUCKING SPIDERMAN MOVIES SUCKED... so it couldn't get worse no matter what they change, imho. Oh NOES! A black spiderman! *FIRST WORLD FUCKING STUPID PROBLEMS


I don't get it. Spiderman died so another guy rose up to take his place. Basically it's a fan of his copying his deal, he doesn't have the same powers cause radioactivity sometimes messes up when it's bestowing you your powers.

I don't get the issue here...but it is fun calling everyone who cares a Fucking Racist!


>> ^Sagemind:

Exactly - why not just create a whole new character with his/her own original story. The Brown Recluse sounds like a great start and wont get the push-back that a converted Spidy will. What a great opportunity to start a new franchise!
>> ^KnivesOut:
Btw, The Brown Recluse would be an awesomely (in)appropriate super-hero name.

Because being controversial is sometimes interesting...also trying to hock a new superhero is very difficult, using one already established in a controversial way practically guarantees a HUGE sellout.

People can protest all they want, this is going to sell big just cause of the headlines.


hahaha....well as much as people would like it, MLK wasn't a made up character. Plus, the context wouldn't work; what, they throw a white MLK in jail for sitting at a white counter?>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I have a new hero called Martin Luther King JR., he's white.


1. This character isn't even in the main continuity. What's the big freakin' deal?

2. @cito @Sagemind Second or third or fourth versions of a hero/villian happen all the time in comics, with another dude or woman inheriting the name and basic costume. E.g., Iron man, flash, batman, green lantern, batgirl, captain america, wonder woman, the list goes on---- hell, there were even 4 or 5 Supermen after they "killed" Superman in the 90s.

3. directed to noone in particular: You fuckin' fanboys who think that every damn major character has to be white, and that it's realistic that in the far future, most people are white, have got to start getting real.


>> ^longde:

1. This character isn't even in the main continuity. What's the big freakin' deal?
2. @cito Second or third or fourth versions of a hero/villian happen all the time in comics, with another dude or woman inheriting the name and basic costume. E.g., Iron man, flash, batman, green lantern, batgirl, captain america, wonder woman, the list goes on---- hell, there were even 4 or 5 Supermen after they "killed" Superman in the 90s.
3. directed to noone in particular: You fuckin' fanboys who think that every damn major character has to be white, and that it's realistic that in the far future, most people are white, have got to start getting real.

No shit, I doubt if anyone is even alive that liked the original Green Lantern. This stuff is as old as comics.


It's funny, I wasn't even thinking about the yellow-clad Green Lantern when I mentioned that character. I guess that shows how much I like Alan Scott. I was thinking more Guy Gardner, John Stewart, and Kyle Raynor.

Makes you realize that in some ways, Peter Parker is an anomaly. Few major characters that old have had their alter egos left untouched by writers. The most extreme thing that comes close was that costume change in the 80s that fanboys went batshit over.

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^longde:
1. This character isn't even in the main continuity. What's the big freakin' deal?
2. @cito Second or third or fourth versions of a hero/villian happen all the time in comics, with another dude or woman inheriting the name and basic costume. E.g., Iron man, flash, batman, green lantern, batgirl, captain america, wonder woman, the list goes on---- hell, there were even 4 or 5 Supermen after they "killed" Superman in the 90s.
3. directed to noone in particular: You fuckin' fanboys who think that every damn major character has to be white, and that it's realistic that in the far future, most people are white, have got to start getting real.

No shit, I doubt if anyone is even alive that liked the original Green Lantern. This stuff is as old as comics.


>> ^longde:

hahaha....well as much as people would like it, MLK wasn't a made up character. Plus, the context wouldn't work; what, they throw a white MLK in jail for sitting at a white counter?>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I have a new hero called Martin Luther King JR., he's white.

Ahhh good point, he's now Chinese. "I hab a dleam, rare all men lar cleated equally lacist". /trollface


And here I am thinking it's a waste of time to care about this because it's a fictional character.

>> ^Yogi:

I don't get it. Spiderman died so another guy rose up to take his place. Basically it's a fan of his copying his deal, he doesn't have the same powers cause radioactivity sometimes messes up when it's bestowing you your powers.
I don't get the issue here...but it is fun calling everyone who cares a Fucking Racist!

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