Derren Brown - Subliminal Advertising

Derren meets with some advertising industry reps and turns the table on them.

In another episode of the same show (i think), the host predicts beforehand EXACTLY the complex path that a floorplan design consultant will take when navigating thru a supermarket he's asked to make a design for. The expert, who you'd think would recognize the manipulation, is unconsciously influenced in just the same way as this video. scary.


I'd love to be this guy's victim, I can't believe this 100% without being there. My brother was at a recording and he said he couldn't see anything dodgy, but that there was a lot of behind the scenes activity which could have been anything, no one was allowed close.


Derren Brown is awesome. By his own admission, he uses "magic, suggestion, psychology, misdirection, and showmanship".

And he has an incredible memory. I actually just watched the special this clip appears in yesterday.


pretty clever.

interesting how much the short term memory played a part in their creativity... reminds me about how many artists are incapable of forcing their talents and must instead wait for that certain spark, otherwise they end up with hackneyed junk that is probably just like something they saw or heard earlier in the day.


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