Anderson Cooper Drags Haitian Boy To Safety (Graphic)

From The Daily Beast: Anderson Cooper stepped out of his role as reporter Monday and rescued a Haitian boy caught in the middle of a looting that turned violent. Here's the raw footage of Cooper dragging the bloodied boy to safety.

Photos and Anderson's account of the event:

You think that this only happens in third world countries?

Think again.

Think about Hurricane Katrina. Or any of the other places were Nature strikes.

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ive been specifically avoiding watching any coverage of Haiti period. I'm aware it happened and have been giving all my extra money to the redcross and another relief organization im active with. but ive been avoiding watching any news coverage cause id knew it would make me cry. alot. and it fucking did.


OH God the merciful and loving. Please cease sending forth massive disasters upon us, causing up to suffer, and smiting us with disease, cancer, starvation, war, and death. We know you love us so.. and you make us suffer in such horrid ways... because you love us so deeply. Yes. God loves us so much, that he kills us by the tens to hundreds of thousands. Wait.. umm. Fuck you God. You are one big asshole!


>> ^honkeytonk73:
OH God the merciful and loving. Please cease sending forth massive disasters upon us, causing up to suffer, and smiting us with disease, cancer, starvation, war, and death. We know you love us so.. and you make us suffer in such horrid ways... because you love us so deeply. Yes. God loves us so much, that he kills us by the tens to hundreds of thousands. Wait.. umm. Fuck you God. You are one big asshole!

You are like a guitar which only has one string.


>> ^Payback:
>> ^curiousity:
You are like a guitar which only has one string.

...and theists are different?

Please let me expand, because my point isn't atheists vs. theists. Memory is notoriously fickle, but it seems to me that every comment that I've read by honkeytonk73 has been mocking religion. I'm completely fine with that; I was just commenting that it seems to be the vast majority of what he says. Hence, a guitar with one string. I also avoid people that only talk about their religion.


What the video didn't show was the FOX News correspondent who threw the rock and then rifled through the kid's pockets while he laid bleeding in the rubble. Buh-zing!

All snarkiness aside, Anderson Cooper, you just got promoted from dreamboat to hero!


>> ^PHJF:
You're not supposed to INTERFERE with nature, only observe! Upsetting the balance!
just like when Capt. Picard while observing primitive civilizations sometimes decided that Prime Directive be dammed and he must rescue those people.

Anderson Cooper is CNN's Jean-Luc Picard.


I'm glad Anderson did saved this kid from more serious harm, but my exploit-o-meter was pretty active during this video. Maybe I'm just too cynical.


Having seen this same thing happen when Cooper was covering Katrina. Am with you.

>> ^nach0s:
I'm glad Anderson did saved this kid from more serious harm, but my exploit-o-meter was pretty active during this video. Maybe I'm just too cynical.


>> ^Aniatario:
Anderson Cooper? Anderson Super's more like it. That man's a hero!

Granted allot of other journalists wouldn't have done anything but dragging a kid 25 feet at little to no risk to ones self is a pretty low bar for the hero tag.

Kudos for showing the grim reality of what's going on though... that might be heroic.


I saw a guy videotaping the rescue of a person who was trapped under rubble. He even taps a rescue worker on the shoulder and the worker gives him a look that could kill.

I think that Cooper showed genuine compassion. I think that is evident when he puts down that DV without asking someone to pick it up.

He doesn't talk he just does. A true hero doesn't do it for the glory, he does it because he can. He was there at the right time and place. Most heroes don't get lucky enough to be captured on film.

But I do think there is something to it, outsiders being the ones who do the rescuing. They are in a different state of mind than the victims of the natural disaster. (Outsider not only meaning a white man, but someone who is in a different mind set than the masses.)

I couldn't find a reference to him having children so my Hypothesis of a paternal instinct was blown completely out of the water.

For me what he did was normal in fact I would expect nothing less. I saw nothing heroic about it, to me it was just another day in paradise. Good on him.


>> ^nach0s:
I'm glad Anderson did saved this kid from more serious harm, but my exploit-o-meter was pretty active during this video. Maybe I'm just too cynical.

Heroes are not required to be selfless, they just need to act when others stand back and observe.


>> ^Payback:
>> ^nach0s:
I'm glad Anderson did saved this kid from more serious harm, but my exploit-o-meter was pretty active during this video. Maybe I'm just too cynical.

Heroes are not required to be selfless, they just need to act when others stand back and observe.

I would like to add, that when it comes down to it, AC put himself at risk to help that boy. Blood was pouring from the child's head, Anderson had no idea if that boy has any communicable diseases that, and it doesn't look as if the thought even crossed his mind, he just picked up the boy and carried him to safety.

Be cynical if you must, I know I am, but here I didn't see any cause for cynicism. He's just a good guy.

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