500 Year-Old 3-Barrel Pole Cannon Fired

Some old dudes shoot an even older weapon.

What he really means is "idiotic men who thought it was a good idea to stand in a line so the opposing side could shoot you with ease..."
>> ^Hive13:

What's up with the "when wars were fought by real men" bullshit? I would kick him in his old saggy nuts for that kind of silly talk.


>> ^Fusionaut:

What he really means is "idiotic men who thought it was a good idea to stand in a line so the opposing side could shoot you with ease..."

You both are correct but when I look back at history and warfare being done in this manner, it makes me wonder why nobody thought of really doing things differently until World War I. I'm wholly guessing here, but I imagine that part of the reason trench warfare was invented was nobody really wanted to go line up on a battle field when you had stuff like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxim_gun being pointed at you.

Repeating rifles, pistols and machine guns did not really come about until after the American Civil War... perhaps this was a good thing as well

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