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ypsilon says...

I'm not quite sure if smartphone designers have planned this vertical format. Take a video camera for example. You wouldn't hold it vertical to shoot a video, would you? I think you would prefer the horizontal format.

The reaseon why some people shoot videos vertical with their phones is because the common smartphone is designed to be used and held vertically. The landscape view is "just" an addon.

In my opinion there is and always will be a difference in taking a picture or shooting a video in a vertical format. A vertical video just feels wrong. Maybe youtube will fit their players to vertical formats, but I don't see that in the next three or four years.

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> ^ypsilon:
Vertical Video Syndrome!
But the kid is cool

Adaptation applies to video formats, doesn't it?
The vertical format is essentially a portrait view, which although is not typical to video, is acceptable for still frames. Why? Because of accepted status quo introduced by standards required for viewing and filming because of the costs of the analog systems used to create film/video. i.e. A time when you couldn't turn your television, projection systems, or computer monitors sideways -- something that a lot more people are doing nowadays; I have a vertical monitor at work and I've seen a few massive vertical monitors used for business menus or marques. We've been due a new acceptable format for YEARS. I believe this new, viable format is the portrait view that smartphones have opened, but it's the uninitiated and unbiased that will accept this format, not us old fogies.
Now, you can go ahead and list off reasons for preferring landscape view, especially citing the typical field of view for human sight, but it doesn't invalidate the choice, considering the media was created with a camera phone, which is designed with these options in mind. Camera phone is a sub-medium, which offers it additional standards, one of which is portrait view. If the subject choice is a human, we stand vertical, so portrait really is best suited for capturing human form. (Also, caputring a BJ is best done in portrait, but that's just my perverted opinion.)
Quick, someone invent a triangle camera!

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