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Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

worm says...


No, are you are saying when you get to the far fringes of beliefs that ideas and beliefs get more... "far fringe-ish"? Tell me that isn't true! lol

I identify as a Conservative. I'm no bible thumping, gun wielding, racist lunatic though the media and liberals spew that far fringe as the "norm". Oddly enough, other than my acceptance of the idea of there being a God and that my rights come from Him and NOT Government, my beliefs have very little to do with religion.

And I doubt every Democrat is a anti-God, rioting, anti-white racist either. Although I do believe that currently the fringe left of the Democrat part is much more in power than the more moderate Democrats. In fact, I dare say the current Republican party is more like the old Democrat party of 20 years ago and the Conservatives like myself were left pretty much without a party at all.

And at the core, what is my personal belief? My belief is that big government is BAD for a free people. Smaller, more localized Government is better for a free people.

I see the US Constitution as a great guide toward what I would like the Government/State relationship to be. We should be 50 quasi-nations, loosely bound together by a common defense, common currency, and inter-state laws. Other than that, the Federal Government should be staying out of the way of the States.

Let California and New York embrace partial-birth abortions and let Texas ban abortions except in cases of life/death or whatever other reason they see as being reasonable. I don't care, I just don't want it in the hands of the Federal Government . There is no NEED for most of the crap we deal with every day to be a NATIONAL issue...

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

worm says...

Oh, I'm glad you cleared that up. I had completely forgotten liberals don't use violent imagery, like calling pretty much everyone they disagree with some form of Hitler... or a nazi if Hitler gets old.

In any case, my point is still the same. Use "the shoe is on the other foot" or "turn-about is fair play" or even "what comes around goes around" if it makes you FEEEEEEEEL better.

Whine on! I'm loving it!

dannym3141 said:

I love how nazis use violent imagery and talk up the brutality all the time, but when they get punched in the face it's less boots on necks and more piss in pants.

Honestly, richard spencer helped dispel the illusion that these new nazis are anything to worry about when he bitched out after tasting some of the violence he enables. Reminds me of the Big Lebowski.

Donny: "Are they gonna hurt us Walter?"
Walter: "No Donny, these men are cowards."

The Original Trump Haters

Ending Free Speech-Elizabeth Warren Silenced In Senate

worm says...

Ahhh, the boot on the neck isn't quite as comfortable when its YOUR neck. I think I enjoy all this liberal whining.

I'm just waiting now for the, "Elections have consequences" speech and a fist-full of bills we can pass (hopefully even bills pertaining to a massive 1/5th of our entire economy!) while collectively ignoring the minority party. Wow that sounds... familiar. Have we payed this game before?

Oh, you don't know how to swim?

Pulling a Steel Beam Apart

worm says...

If it weren't so incredibly think, I would call it rebar... But wow that is thick. I was scared something might have flown out almost explosion-like when it finally broke.

Obamacare in Trump Country

worm says...

I'm all for free markets and free market solutions. My only problem with that as it applies to the medical industry is emergency and catastrophic situations, where you cannot price-shop and compare hospitals on the way to the emergency room.

In THOSE cases, the only way you can shop free market style, is insurance (or single payer I suppose, if you believe in Government products).

I still say if you want to get medical insurance costs down then the number one priority should be to find a way to make suing the medical industry for EVERYTHING not so profitable. I honestly don't know the solution to this, but it MUST be figured out and solved. As long as every patient walking through the door is a potential multi-million dollar lawsuit liability, medical costs are just going to keep climbing.

Figure that out, and allow the insurance industry to offer Catastrophic-only insurance policies. People really should be paying for their own doctor visits for the little things. The only way to make the free markets work is by knowing what you are paying for...

Obamacare in Trump Country

worm says...

Hahaha... he said a government program would be a huge savings. He made a funny. We could just run the whole Country's medical system like the VA!

Obamacare in Trump Country

worm says...

Not that I doubt your old-timey anecdotal evidence either (since you failed to actually POINT to evidence). A simple google pulled up this:

[url redacted]Ugh - Nevermind. I see we can't post links.
www usgovernmentspending com / compare_state_spending_2016b40a

Hmmmm.... California and New York, followed by Texas.

Now I haven't been able to find a welfare spending by County yet in Texas, but I would be willing to BET that the majority of that is in the major metropolitan areas, which happen to also be quite blue... I wouldn't be surprised if that were true in New York and California too, but I don't know those people like I know Texas.

Januari said:

Not that i doubt your very charming old-timey anecdotal evidence, but spending a few minutes on google and you'll find... you know... actual data.

Conservative sites will point to how much 'blue' states spend on welfare, ignoring entirely the differences in population, as well as the fact that far and away the poorest counties with the highest percentage of welfare recipients are indeed in red states. As well as states in general, who per capita have the most welfare recipients. It really isn't even close.

Don't take my word for it...

Obamacare in Trump Country

worm says...

Social security isn't a hand out. It is a HORRIBLE investment program that has been warped and disfigured from it's original purpose. At least people HAVE been paying into it for a LONG time. I'm not exactly surprised that they want to reap SOME sort of benefit for it.

Tax breaks (that favor specific companies or markets) are government handouts. Speaking of solar, how did our government handout for Solyndra do? Must have been a Red state... no?

Medicare as well is something that has been taken out of people's checks (you know, people with actual jobs) for a long long time. Again, not surprising that people expect to get something for that...

In my experience, in general country folk are very independent folk and are generally self reliant. If you want to find locations in the USA where people thrive off of governmental handouts, pick up a map that shows all the blue counties/parishes/districts/etc.

newtboy said:

For a group that CLAIMS they don't want handouts, they sure do have their arms outstretched, palms up constantly. Of course, they say a tax break isn't a handout (unless it's a tax break for, say, installing solar), they say social security isn't a handout, Medicare isn't a handout ('keep your government hands out of my Medicare' was my favorite tea party slogan).
True, the ACA wasn't voluntary, but all those other programs they use (and usually use more than they contribute, and more than "blue" states) are voluntary, so that argument falls flat.

Obamacare in Trump Country

worm says...

This place (videosift) seems to be filled with a plethora of liberal ideals and videos about liberal ideals.

This is all just my opinion, but here it is none the less:
The simple reason these people voted Trump is these people don't WANT hand-outs and government cheese. But what they do want is someone who they feel will put the USA first and bring back jobs. They, for whatever reason, felt that would Trump over Hillary. If they had to hang Obamacare on a cross and sacrifice it to improve their long-term economic standing, then so be it.

It isn't like they really LIKED Obamacare, they were just FORCED to buy it.

Baddest Man on Earth Destroys Yellow Jacket Nest Barehanded

collegehumor-kinda racist? try diet racism!

worm says...

Half of this drivel isn't racist in the first place. And of course only the white person can be racist. *rolls eyes*

With such a loose definition of racism, this video itself is racist.

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