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Hey Dude, Is That A Worm In Your Head

Flamingo by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass

Firery Reentry of Soyuz Rocket

A Photo A Day -- Beard Edition

I'm Your Prostitute, You Are Going To Get Some (Lykke Li)

Gordon Ramsey's Cripsy Salmon Recipe

phlogiston says...

"Just season the salmon" and later "just season the tomatoes". Umm, with what? I can grab some seasonings I would use (basil, oregano. etc.), but I was hoping he'd inspire me to try something I hadn't thought of (besides slicing the fish skin)

Ingrid Olava - Her Kommer Vintern ("Here comes winter")

8-day old Bunnies

Drunken man has cyst bursted with scalpel

Storm chaser's car struck by lightning

Fettes Brot-Emanuela

Endangered Norwegian Folk Music

Operation Plowshare: Let's use nukes for civil engineering!

Real Government Safety Video. No Seriously, It Is.

phlogiston says...

A video like this comes about not so much from the chance of being sued as it is losing a safety incentive-either personal or at the corporate level--especially for government contractors. I know I have heard of a similar video about chair training. I can't use a ladder without ladder training, can't drive a cart without cart training and I won't be surprised if we have restrictions on footwear soon, even in office areas because of slips/trips/falls due largely to wearing high heels and sandals.

Those Newfangled Potato Chips

phlogiston says...

I lived in one of those test markets (Ohio). We liked to take them camping and we thought they were pretty cool (but not as good as Mike-Sells). We were disappointed to discover they weren't available everywhere.

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