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God is an Asshole (Louie CK)

mizila says...

>> ^lantern53:

There is far more evidence that God exists than that God does not exist.
Study near-death experiences.

Yes, more feeding of the troll. Still after studying near death experiences (NDS's) here's what I think:

For obvious reasons, people who experience NDE's tend to "envision" their own religious figures. For example, Africans don't "envision" Jesus any more than Americans "envision" Zeus. So does this prove all religions exist independently? Or do the shared similarities in the NDE's of people from different religions suggest they are all inherently the same? Another interesting tidbit I picked up while studying: Agnostics/Atheists who have NDE's do often become more spiritual; however, religious folks who come close to death and do NOT have NDE's can actually become LESS spiritual over time.

Destroying your faith in humanity: the iRenew bracelet

mizila says...

OKAY. Time to make a comment that ISN'T related to SB and his attention-hogging not-sure-if-trolling inanity.

I have a friend who has been sharing via facebook how her laptop has been "possessed" and detailing her ongoing and futile attempts to solve the problem. Well, today someone finally fixed her computer for her... by suggesting that she take off her magnetic bracelet while using the machine. Apparently magnets and computers don't get along very well kids, so keep that in mind while trying to fix all of your health problems with jewelry AND post funny cat videos at the same time.

Or, maybe JEEZUS was mad at her for using her EVIL MAGIC and used his WORLD CREATING and REALITY BENDING not-magic-because-jesus-does-it POWERS to punish her by making her laptop a little wonky.
...damnit SB sucked me in.

Epic Meal Time - Ostrich Egg Surprise

mizila says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Once I was told that those eggs can sell for about $1000 a pop..
..more like epic excessive waste time..

Except... a quick google tells me they go for about $20 to $45. I'm gonna stick with that rather than what someone once told you. Ain't these fancy computing devices somethin!

Bomb Defusing in WWII

The Frankenstein-Cat

Girls Find Hidden Cameras All Through Their Apartment

mizila says...

I could see how you could tell them that the cameras were just the alarm sensors and, "That's how we do it in America." I wonder if this was an isolated pervert or some type of business endeavor. Based on the the fact lusury_pie can't find them on google I'll assume it's not on the internet and therefore was an isolated wacko. Also, you'd think professionals would have taken the time to run the cables correctly, not just tape them to the door frame.

Bill Nye Realizes He Is Talking To A Moron

mizila says...

>> ^Grimm:

Honorable mention should also go to the bimbo at the end. "maybe a little number movin around..."

No no no no no. Get your quote right.

"...maybe a couple of number movin' around... (might be able to help this debt limit thing)."

You can tell after Fox guy asks the global warming question Bill Nye realizes the error in using his I'm-talking-to-worthwhile-adults voice and switches to his I'm-teaching-third-graders voice.

Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl kicks out a fan for fighting

mizila says...

>> ^Mcboinkens:

>> ^mizila:
HEY! HEY BONEREMAKE! STOP. STOP. NO NO NO NO NO. You don't fight at this website. You don't come to this website to fight, you come here to vote on videos. These people came here to watch videos and vote, not fight, and you can get the fuck out.
Oh and it's "you're" as in "you are", not "your" (which shows ownership/possession).
Did you even watch the video? Calm down man, we're all here to have a good time.
>> ^BoneRemake:
Your the last person...

Yeah, not sure if you were going for the irony factor here or what....

If by, "irony factor," you mean I was joking - yes I was joking. The joke is that the things I typed are similar to the things Dave Grohl said. The "sarcasm" check box had either not yet been implemented or had not yet caught my eye at the time of the original posting or surely I would have checked it and could have cleared up this confusion. BoneRemake got the joke btw, though I'm sure he appreciates you defending him.

Calm down man, we're all here to have a good time. =)

Amy Winehouse found dead at her home, aged 27.

White Fluff ball Puppy

Fastest Wire Bending in the World

The Sean Bean Death Reel

Foo Fighter's Dave Grohl kicks out a fan for fighting

mizila says...

HEY! HEY BONEREMAKE! STOP. STOP. NO NO NO NO NO. You don't fight at this website. You don't come to this website to fight, you come here to vote on videos. These people came here to watch videos and vote, not fight, and you can get the fuck out.

Oh and it's "you're" as in "you are", not "your" (which shows ownership/possession).

Did you even watch the video? Calm down man, we're all here to have a good time.

>> ^BoneRemake:
Your the last person...

Arrested Development - Tobias' Audition

mizila says...

>> ^Bardaf:

Well, if it gets the same destiny of Family Guy and Futurama, we should see all the Bluth family back in a few years on Fox...
Even if it's not animated and that the actors will be older, and so on...
The faster you'll all buy DVDs, the faster it will be aired back...

>> ^kymbos:

There's a moooovie coming out.

Yeah, it sounds like it was hard enough getting everybody to do the much anticipated movie (slated for a 2012 release). Doesn't look like there's any hope of it returning as a series. Honestly, I'm okay with that. Don't get me wrong, I think the quality of both Family Guy and Futurama have stayed high despite their production gaps; but I just don't think a live action cast could come back without missing a beat the way an animated cast can. Of course, don't let that stop you from buying the DVD's. Seriously, everyone go buy the box set right now.

John Carpenter's 'The Thing' - Runaway Alien Head

mizila says...

>> ^Revenant2428:

Seeing this again after just playing Dead Space 2 makes me think that this movie had to be a huge inspiration to the devs that made the Dead Space games.

Also, "The Thing" is actually a pretty kickass game for the first xbox and ps2 that serves as a sequel for the movie. John Carpenter helped with production and even has a character in it modeled after him. As a third-person survival game with lots of action, half-human alien-bug monsters, and the isolation of the Antarctic base it's basically an early Dead Space. If you see it in a bargain bin somewhere pick it up, good times will be had.

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