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Demand A Plan? Demand Celebrities Go F*ck Themselves

krelokk says...

Fuck this, they are still all completely correct. There are violent movies and video games across the planet. It is the USA and its insane gun 'laws' that create the school murder rampages. Any other 1st world country that has these mass killings immediately restricts access to fire arms and most have never had another one of these events again. They watch the same movies. There have been like 10 in the last decade in the USA.

What does it take to kill a Volvo?

Probably The Closest Call I've Ever Seen.

Will It Blend? - iPhone 5 vs Galaxy S3

Obama On The Tax Plan

krelokk says...

>> ^lantern53:

Doesn't Romney pay by the rules set up by Congress and the IRS? Doesn't Obama? Don't we all?
If it isn't fair, who set it up that way? Congress makes the laws. Romney has never been a member of Congress...Obama, on the other hand, has.
Why hasn't Obama changed the IRS rules in the past 4 years?

He was going to end the Bush Tax Cuts for the super rich 2 years ago, but when he lost the majorities in the House he had to compromise with the Republicans that want the cuts around forever so they can continue to live like super kings. He allowed the cuts to be extended by two years. They are ending in the next couple months.

Presidents aren't emperors and dictators that can just 'change whatever they feel like or they are liars!' they have to have the house and the senate agree with them under the majority of circumstances.

Couric vs. Coulter

From Plane Crash To Marriage Proposal In A Few Minutes

krelokk says...

Thank won't last long. What an asshole. This is similar to that Russian guy that setup and entire death scene with ambulances and police with him in a pool of blood and 'dead' just to see if the girl would cry and 'actually loved him'. That was worse, but these kinds of 'trolling proposals' are horrible. I'd so no immediately.

Animals skinned alive on Chinese fur farms

krelokk says...

>> ^TheGenk:

I've seen a docu about that already and even just being reminded of how they treat those animals makes me sick and fucking angry; to the point where I have to stop myself from wishing those people to be skinned alive, because I abhor violence.

Why do you stop yourself wishing they should be skinned alive? They SHOULD be skinned alive. They should all be executed in a manner fitting of their crimes. They have inflicted more than enough animal cruelty and murder to equal many human lives.

There is a difference between being an evil person that inflicts violence upon others for criminal purposes, whatever they may be, and being a good person that is okay taking out the trash of humanity, while treating all others with kindness and respect.

Violence is horrible, but is a part of this world. Bad people rely upon good people appeasing them and wanting to 'not be violent'. Really... they should be wiped from the planet as quickly as possible.

How NOT to train a husky puppy to go "down"


krelokk says...

Jezzzz.... FINALLY proudly conveying achievements to the public instead of just reacting to GOP criticism. No president is perfect... ever, and I'm generally independent/center, but I'd say Obama has done quite a lot. I've never been impressed by his pandering to the GOP without a fight. It has come across as weak. This is good. (of course a vid like this will lean towards the President, but many things discussed here, like the bills passed, are just facts.)

100 Films Where They Say The Movie Title

Massive Protest Brings Montreal To A Standstill

krelokk says...

>> ^alcom:

Kudos to the youth of Montreal for keeping it peaceful. They could teach Vancouver a thing or two.

I think it is a different situation. Vancouver hockey idiots angry over losing vs Montreal students that have a genuine issue.

It was so lame when the police were saying 'this wasn't the hockey fans, it was a group of anarchists' when every damn news station and youtube video was clearly showing jersey wearing hockey fans destroying the city. Off topic but yeah... hockey idiots vs students with real issues... lol

Bill O'Reilly Attacking -- TYT

krelokk says...

>> ^Sepacore:

There's so many disgusting behaviors/views driven from political agendas on Bill O'Reilly's show and Fox News in general.
It's quite saddening and frustrating that people will not only support and argue for these positions but will actually hold their head up high as if there is some genuine justification behind their lack of compassion and disconnection to the realities of life.

Yes it is disgusting. These people promote selfishness, greed, and shitting on the person next to you as virtues. Humans have been successful in our evolution BECAUSE of working together. Even monkeys share. Yet these loonies fight against it (most of them don't even believe in evolution of course) The concept of helping others and 'sharing' through social programs bothers the cold cruel hearts of these people.

Homophobic message in public Iowa school

krelokk says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Presenting a different point of view does not make this Homophobic.
He does not slam or slander any group. There is nothing wrong in his presentation other than liking or disliking it.

He clearly implies and states that being homosexual is sexual deviancy. Saying that there is something wrong with being gay. He says being black is different from being gay, and proceeds to say that comparing ones skin color to being gay is an insult to the black person in this case because they had no choice. Yet most gay people don't just decide "hey I'm gay, or just feel like being attracted to the same sex now." they are born that way. It isn't 'a different view point', it is spreading of hate in a presentation. It's disgusting. It is also disgusting that you can't see it.

wave pool in Tokyo is invading your personal space

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