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Atheism commercial

Luckiest Break of 2009

jiyanibi says...

This video gets my vote for weirdest background music added to cam footage ever. I had to make sure I didn't have a bad 90s Skinemax movie playing in another tab.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

jiyanibi says...

^ While I get where you're coming from, I think atheism is a bit of an exception to the rule, IMO. While it certainly seems ridiculous for a group of people who don't believe in unicorns to get together and bitch about people who DO believe in unicorns as a unified voice, the people who DO believe in unicorns aren't also trying to deny civil liberties, control the reproductive systems of women, claim this country as a Unicorn nation, and generally retard the growth of human knowledge and understanding (all the things Dag mentions in his original post).

Yes, you as an individual atheist may not experience personally any of those issues mentioned above and you're free to express your beliefs as loudly or quietly as you care to. But those who do believe strongly against the wrongs that theists perpetrate in our country should have an opportunity to get together as a group and explain to them why we have no interest in their agenda. Just my opinion.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

jiyanibi says...

I generally do lean in favor of practicing tolerance. One of the big problems I have is that all of those moderates who don't actually go out of their way to point fingers and tell me I'm going to hell, *DO* watch Fox News and say "Hey, I'm religious and so is Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, and I don't need to know anything more than that, so I'm going to go out and repeat what they say and vote like they want me to vote." That mentality in moderates is what disturbs me the most. The people who just go about their day, loving their god quietly, *do* VOTE with their religion, much like the gay marriage vote in New York. And that shit hurts more than any one finger-pointing fundamentalist telling me I'm going to hell. So while I understand where you're coming from Dan, I think calling it a sort of racism may be a bit off the mark. No matter how much someone may dislike a race, their race will never change. But ignorance is correctable.

And, yes, though the majority of religious people may be angered by some of the atheist videos on this site. Some of the atheist videos that are more towards my original point (educational), have had an impact. I actually found Videosift originally because of a clip from an Austin call-in show called The Atheist Experience (the "punch yer fat head in fer Jesus" clip, which appears to be missing). Although the video was funny at the end, it was 10 mins of the most enlightening conversation about positive atheism. That one video got me to dig more for similar educational videos, and changed me from Agnostic to Atheist simply by helping me get past the idea of "it couldn't hurt to believe, just for the sake of not going to hell" concept (Pascal's Wager), which I think is a big concern for a lot of Agnostics. And there have been multiple episodes of the show where callers have expressed how the show has helped them get past certain fallacies they'd always believed, including one preacher that used to speak ill of the show in his sermons, but in his repeated viewing eventually denounced his religion and his position in the church.

So my belief is that the educational videos, like The Atheist Experience clips, are more to help enlighten the religious and semi-religious, while the mocking videos are more for us folks who are already atheists and just like a good firing-up from like-minded individuals. And as oxdottir has pointed out, you can always not watch and/or downvote.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

jiyanibi says...

Honestly, if you lived in a country where 80-90% of the population believed that invisible unicorns dictate your lifestyle based on a poorly written book penned in some backwards country over 2000 years ago, and tell you what their book tells you is morally wrong and right, and tell left-handed people they can't marry, and look at you with scorn when you tell them you don't believe in unicorns while they tell you that you'll be stabbed by unicorn horns for eternity for not believing, you'd eventually get to a point where you want to go to the top of a mountain and scream "Are you people fucking mental?!?".

I appreciate that there are moderates who believe both religion and science can co-exist, but at the same time, they don't shout down the fundamentalists when they think that creationism should be taught in schools like it's some kind of science that would actually hold up to scrutiny. The moderates also don't tell the "god hates gays" crowd that god also wants you to stone your kids for misbehaving but you don't follow that rule now, do you? I honestly don't care to offend people, but at the same time I think bible-inspired nonsense (like New York's gay marriage downvote yesterday) HAS to go in this country, and I'd love to see it in my lifetime if at all possible.

That's why I love the Internet and Videosift. I don't care to make people stop believing in some god. I want people who do believe in some god to stop promoting hate and fear inspired by some old work of fiction. The way I see it there are two ways to make *those* people understand our point of view. Videos that help explain the logic and reason of life and science is certainly the more caring route. The other route, unfortunately, is videos that ridicule. Just like the older kids ridiculing the younger kids for believing in Santa Claus. I'm honestly not sure which is more effective, though I prefer the former, of course. It's a shame that moderates get caught in the crossfire, but Videosift provides both of those routes, and I will continue to upvote them both until the population of America shifts severely in favor of less organized religion, and less bible-inspired hate and fear.

Star Trek Lip Dub - Happy in Paraguay

The Best Atheist Demotivational Posters

jiyanibi says...

>> ^marinara:
how is the man who wrote this an atheist? I mean Franklin.

Franklin wasn't an atheist. He was a deist. And the original Youtube author points that out in the comments of the video...

"*The first slide is a misnomer. There people on it were not all atheists per se. They were, however, religious skeptics and disavowed at least the personal God of the Bible. Thus, I felt okay including the slide in the video."

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Christian Side Hug

This preacher is going to burn in hell !

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