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Ferrari 458 Crashes While Trying To Pass a Family Car

guymontage says...

My guess as to why the driver lost control is that it was raining lightly. When it starts to rain, small amount of water mixes with the oil that is on pretty much every road and creates a slippery mixture. I'm sure many of you have been told when it starts to rain, expect a longer stopping distance then when the road is completely soaked.

Take that and add the fact that the amount of torque on the rear wheels of a 458 and that Ferrari's come with tires more akin to commercial racing tires than all season radials, and mama mia, you are going to have one expensive crasha!

Giant "cloaked" object spotted near Mercury in solar storm

The CBC has been sold to a US wrestling promotor!*

guymontage says...

What's all that about, eh?
Lately, it seems that our conservatives are becoming more like american republican senators, which is a shame since there are very few people in Canada an MP with an American republican political stance could accurately represent.

I do agree that the TV shows such as Wild Roses, Little Mosque on the Prairie, Insecurity, Republic of Doyle, Being Erica do not deserve public funding. They aren't worth much at all as far as entertainment goes.

I don't think CBC television should be terminated completely; CBC in the past has brought us Kids in the Hall and helped keep SCTV on the air. This Hour has 22 minutes used to be funny, but that was a long time ago, and not much has come since. More recent canadian comedy successes were not a result of CBC, Corner Gas, for one.
I don't think most Canadians would oppose a budget cut to CBC TV, but definitely would to termination of funding full stop.

And don't touch CBC Radio!!!!

>> ^kymbos:

Wow, what happened to Canada? It used to be so progressive!

Cat vs Dog in Slow Motion

guymontage says...

One of these days, that cat is going to run into a dog that hasn't been bred not to hurt anything, like a coyote or a poorly trained dog, and the poor thing will be torn in half. That cat is lucky the dog is so nice.

The Difference Speeding Makes

guymontage says...

Another thing, those of you who think you've got enough skill to pretty much avoid anything, you might it surprising that sometimes an event can happen too fast for a human to react to. Watch this video;

If you are the type who is likely to speed, you are probably the type who follows too closely to other vehicles in order to try and get them to move in the passing lane. Surprise again!

The Difference Speeding Makes

guymontage says...

It's funny that everyone i know who thinks they are so vastly superior in driving skills compared to the average driver all have been in more accidents than the average driver.

These PSA adds might use scare tactics, but they are also based on statistics and physics, and they are right. At high speeds the only thing your "skill" is going to tell you is that if you swerve, you probably will lose control and roll your car.

YOU might think you're fucking Vin Diesel, but physics will let you know in the end.

Shocking Accident That You're Definitely Not Ready For

guymontage says...

There are ways of greatly reducing the chance of this happening to you, other than volunteering for a clean up our highways group.

This driver was WAY too close to the vehicle in front of him, especially for highway speeds. he needed to be at least 4 times that distance from him. The driver was only 1 second behind the trailer.

If he were further back, the debris would not have been so high, or at least he would have had time to move out of the way. I really hate it when people drive that close to others, it's stupid.

So if this video scares you, remember; KEEP YOUR DISTANCE!

Kaley Cuoco Bought a Shake Weight!

Meat-Eating Clocks

Just 1% - told by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Just 1% - told by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Really Shows Speed and Massive Destruction - Japan Tsunami

guymontage says...

There is no footage of the 2004 tsunami initially hitting Sumatra's coast for good reason. It was no doubt filmed, but no one close enough to do so would have survived. The 2004 wave was caused by an earthquake that was 3 to 9 times more powerful than the earthquake which caused the Japanese tsunami.

The Japanese 2011 wave was at its highest around 10 to 12 meters, dwarfed by the 2004 wave, which was up to 30 meters.
This clip is taken of the 2004 wave in Banda Aceh, Sumatra; an area hit by the one of the highest waves. This video shows the wave more than 3 miles from the shore. No one on the shore line would have survived such a monstrous force.

The Japanese public also had significant warning a tsunami was coming, so a lot of them stood on strong, tall buildings for safety. Japan as a whole is well educated about earthquakes and tsunamis, while Indonesians were not. Other than the strong earthquake they felt, there was no warning at all for the Sumatrans as the 2004 wave hit.

>> ^rychan:

I totally agree. It's amazing how much more footage there is compared to the 2004 Indonesia Tsunami. In fact, I'm not sure I've seen a single video of that Tsunami in Indonesia or Sri Lanka where so many died. There are a few videos in Thailand but they're not showing much. It's such a great boon to scientists and public awareness.

Just 1% - told by Neil DeGrasse Tyson

guymontage says...

It actually is a common misconception that chimp and human dna differ by only 1 percent.

Only the protein coding of our DNA is close to that similar. I think more recent studies which include comparing exons show the similarity at around 95-96%. Still an amazingly small difference.

Ann Coulter ALMOST makes sense.

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