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Is California Becoming A Police State?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I have a friend who had a nearly identical situation. When the cops arrived, he opened the door and had a discussion with the officers. After determining there was no substance to the neighbor's claim, the cops left without incident.

eric3579 said:

In a perfect world where police are on your side that's a lovely scenario. I think a more realistic scenario has you with a mouthful of carpet and a knee on your head and in your back after you've opened the door. They will always assume the worst about you and operate accordingly. Its much safer for them that way. Once you open the door you aren't saying anything as they rush in and subdue you first thing. You are after all the reason they are there and will be considered the bad guy until its all figured out. My experience with the police tells me that my scenario is much more realistic and not all that uncommon. Not to say your scenario couldn't happen. I do think the way you are treated has a lot to do with the affluence of the area you live in.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Wouldn't it have been easier to open the door and say,.. "We were having a loud argument, but as you can see, there is no violence here and no one has been harmed. We have a nosy neighbor who likes to call that cops on people he doesn't like. If he calls again, take it with a grain of salt."?

Is California Becoming A Police State?

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