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Rock Sugar "Don't Stop The Sandman"

detheter says...

mmm still did not like, contrast be damned. to each their own? I prefer to have meaning behind the songs I listen to, personally. Like, if you are going to cover a song, it should have meaning to you, and that is why you do it, and since these songs have vastly different meanings, I find this to be musically dishonest. My critique of their choice standing on trendiness and popularity rather then depth and meaning is very much what is wrong with the music industry nowadays. But don't take my word for it, i'm just a lowly sound engineer, local music promoter, and lifelong musician.

Rock Sugar "Don't Stop The Sandman"

detheter says...

Sorry, did not like this. Not because of musicianship, or production qualities, ect but because these two songs have vastly different meanings, and the attempt just comes off as trying very hard to mash these together so hard that you end up breaking both as a result. I like both songs separately, however, as i'm not really a fan of most covers to begin with, taking a song about religious indoctrination, childhood fear, and uncertainty about the unknown, and gluing it onto a song about hard times and making your own way, just makes a frankensong with no meaning for existing.I'd really appreciate an explanation of what these two songs have to do with one another, other than being really trendy, really popular songs, from the same time period.

A Different View on the Science Behind Global Warming

detheter says...

I generally avoid these shoddy videos. Dramatic music, incredulity, ignorance, and bias runs rampant, unchecked by reason or fact. What can we expect from spinsters who would manipulate people leaning to the right wing in the American paradigm so that large interests can continue to rake in massive profits at the expense of the very people they claim to be looking out for? As far as I am concerned, these events will play themselves out regardless of any action or inaction that people take. There is more than enough evidence and lies out there on both sides to continue the phony culture war, or have legitimate discussions. When the body count starts rising we will see the truth of these matters. There is a third actor in this debate that everyone misses, and that is mother earth, and she will have the final say, and slay libertarians and eco-scientists alike regardless of the time line / influencing factors. I advise you to spend your time being happy, and fully utilizing the amenities / technologies that currently exist, because nothing good lasts forever.

Where do I stand? I believe that man could have something to do with climate change, but if he isn't, we still deserve the technology, industry, and legislation that comes along with potentially fighting the proposed primitive technology future advocated here. Clean, emission free vehicle, to me, stands for "I don't have to pay for fucking gasoline". Solar and wind power, mean to me, "I don't have to pay as much for my electricity and heating bill." Every shitty video, like this one, arguing against modernizing our technology to be more efficient, is a voice calling out to the other Luddites of the world, bitching for an end to innovation and advancement for our species. You are a cancer. You are a tumor. You are literally scum. You type to me on your computer, but by your logic, walking me a stone tablet you chiseled yourself would be preferable, because microchips are a government conspiracy.

What is a Proof

detheter says...

So what is terrible here, is that a politician wants empirical evidence readily understandable from a common point of view by a lot of people before rushing to sacrifice our civilians in a war that is now common knowledge to be an atrocity commited by your shitty, shitty cunt-ry? You're Terrible. Where is the PROOF?

Palin thinks climate change is "snake oil science stuff"

Vancouver Flash Mob. Feb 13 2010. Dancing in the Streets!

detheter says...

i shop at long & mcquade frequently (one of the ads at the end of the video). i think in down $23,000 to them to support my addiction for buying drum parts, PA system stuff, ect..

Genghis Tron - Things Don't Look Good

Bear vs. Cat

detheter says...

>> ^gwiz665:
If something as small as a cat can scare off a bear like this, you'd think we could develop some sort of mechanism to scare them off ourselves. Instead of just crapping our pants and playing dead.

A bear would probably consider it to be some sort of skunk -- too small for a meal, and not worth the risk if it can spray. Mice, squirells also probably have nothing to fear, but deer, fish, lots of sustainance there. I guess we'd fit into that catagory, also.

Soldiers Blow Up Tanker With Grenades

Iron Man 2 - Official Trailer

detheter says...

This movie is our undoing as a civilization.

Step 1 - Make heros out of people that wear large, powered exoskeletal armor.

Step 2 - Engineer this in real life, for use by police and military forces world wide.

Step 3 - Never fear a protest / rioting mob or invading army again, as the power armored super soldier / police enforcer has arrived. You can sell the developement as protecting the lives of those who serve, and demonize the detractors.

Step 4 - Trample everyones rights.

Step 5 - take the man out of the suit, make the powered armor unmanned, place it in the hands of government officials. Eliminate the need for human armies, eliminate the ability to disobey orders.

Step 6 - Thank the marvel franchise for packaging the idea in such a way that the science becomes entertanment, and removes it from the realm of public debate.

Questions - How powerful should paramilitary police forces become, and does the idea of a fully armored, indestructable "good guy" scare people who concider one nations "good guy" as anothers butcher?

Insane Canadian

detheter says...

Every Canadian is trained to find fish under the ice in just this manner, from the age of three and up, so there's nothing really amazing going on here. Oh, and we all live in igloos.

Toxic Alberta (Pt. 1) -- The future of oil Sucks

detheter says...

Form about 1971 and onwards, the Progressive Conservative Party has won every election in Alberta with about 41% - 70% of the vote each time. The Liberal Party gets about 26% - 30%, and the rest is devided up between the multitude of other parties. Our voter turnout is also one of the lowest in Canada. Although Calgary and Edmonton have large amounts of intelligent, well informed individuals, we are outnumbered by a vast majority of white, baby boomer, SUV driving, soft right wing conservative types, who see the tremendous wealth generated by these energy policies, and vote every election for the status quo. If you had one of the highest standards of living, one of the most stable economies in north america (virtually untouched by the current "recession"), one of the highest rates of disposable income, wouldn't you feel comfortable voting to keep that system intact instead of plunging your entire economy into a virtual dark age?

H2oil Animated Sequences


detheter says...

My Youtube Comments on this video.
Great, but where is the end game? Your film, while a short film, seems to me a cop out, ignorant of any actual ramifications of pervasive invasions of privacy. I could always just stop going online, and stop doing embarrasing things outside for all the cameras in the world to see. Where are the real world hurtful consequences of the issues raised herein? Thanks for reading.
Pretty much, my question is, what is the danger of Data, and how can an organization use data which can be easily falsified by the user, when that user feels that the data is being used against them? Then how does the entity sift through relevant data to find the truth? Guess what? I'm a Christian. I'm an a
Atheist. I'm a 28 year old black man. I live in California. <---- All things posted to the net on youtube comments, only 25% correct. Use it against me?

Nostradamus 2012 End Time

detheter says...

Okay, say the world ends, the earth is sandblasted by a cruel and dispassionate universe, our species, like all other species, are not hive minds. We have that benefit. When one of us dies, we feel emotional pain, but we do not share the physical pain or fear thast accompanies that individuals death. Therefore, if we are all to die in some cataclysm, it won't matter. not at all. since we are mortal beings, and mortal beings all die at some point in the undetermined future, 2012 is as good of a time to die as anym, and either life will continue in some form or another or not. This does not change the fact that if your arm is cut, I don't feel it, and if my head is removed, you don't die. If all humans are lost all at once, the pain we feel is internal, and exactly consistent with natural death. Feel no fear.

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