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Bike Lane in NYC

Craig Ferguson on Charlie Sheen

debu says...

In this postmodern world trending towards atheism celebrities have become the worshiped and sacrificed Gods of our time. We love to see them fall.

Can no longer see *any* embedded Youtubes (Howto Talk Post)

How to make a Soccer Ball out of a Condom

A faithful Mormon speaks out against Prop 8 in Church...

debu says...

I had a short stint in Utah when I was growing up. During this time my mother became friends with some members of the LDS church and converted to Mormonism while me and my father did not.
My mom fell ill and the visits from her Mormon friends became less frequent until one day my father got a phone call that said something to the effect of: "We don't feel comfortable coming to visit your wife unless you and your son come see what our church is about."
At nine years old I saw the hypocrisy of this church, and it's stayed with me since.

Man, I loved this submission.

Eddie Izzard on Guns and The NRA

debu says...

>> ^Dranzerk:
Hardly a minority fyi, most people gay bash online and in real life.
"we" bring it up because its distracting and unnecessary to have in a so-called comedy routine. If he was doing a skit or something then why not. But to dress up like a gay Freddy the Freeloader on stage what did you expect?
I could care less what he is talking about when you have idiots like that on stage. Its like watching carrot top trying to be funny.

You know of that study where they gave subjects a questionnaire to gauge how homophobic they were and then they had them watch homosexual porn with electrodes attached to them. The ones who were the most homophobic were the MOST turned on when seeing gay images.

Fear based on someones appearance, can't we get past this already?

VideoSift Fundraiser (Sift Talk Post)

Utah Student Disrupts Government Auction saving 22,000 acres

Ron Paul questions Bernanke about world currency

debu says...

>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^Raaagh:
I think you have largely misunderstood the content of that dialogue. Or you are just very loose with your opinions.

I've been following Dr.Paul for a long time, and this is how he rolls.
If he just wants to get Bernanke "on the record" about his NEW WORLD ORDER nonsense, as opposed to, oh i dunno, helping get us the fuck out of this mess and not waste the only five minutes he has then that's an enormous waste of his time, and a waste of us taxpayers' time.
The man can't have one conversation without going through his Austrian economics speech (which I'm sure Bernanke knows verbatim at this point), and going back 150 years in this countries economic history, when maybe he should be dealing with the task at hand, which right now is the bailout or non-bailout.

So let's keeping focusing on the symptoms rather than the disease, seems to be working GREAT for the health care system.

Conspiracy by liberals to ruin Dick Cheney

debu says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
another pathetic witchhunt by the liberal Left against an innocent man

Man this shtick gets old.
Yeah whoever is behind that profile sure has a lot of time to post mass amounts of unfunny comments.

first time I've seen that users words in a while though, I clicked ignore.

Nobel prize winner Paul Krugman slapping Bill O'reilly

Sarah Palin Confuses Supporters With Hecklers

"Wandering Stars" amazing live beatbox looping (Portishead)

Palin "Obama's message resonating even with Alaskans"

War Protesters Shut Down Senate (Mar 12 08)

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