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iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

"Guantanamo Unclassified" video by "kidnapped" man's lawyers

brendotroy says...

From the lawyers' website:

Adel Hamad was a teacher of elementary school orphans, a hospital worker, and someone who coordinated the delivery of food, medicine and blankets to refugees. He has been imprisoned for 5 years and classified as an enemy combatant, despite the lack of any allegations or evidence that he ever acted against the U.S. or its allies, or even had political sympathies for those who did. His friends and colleagues describe him as a funny, apolitical man who loved charity work and ping-pong. One of the U.S. Army Majors at his Tribunal called his detention unconscionable.
There is more info on wikipedia. This video is a new tactic by his lawyers to bring attention to his (interesting and potentially outrageous, at least IMO) case. What better place than VideoSift to help them do so?

I'd like it if we could vote or not (or downvote if you feel that strongly against this video) on this rather than have a flamewar, but that might be too much to ask. Enjoy.

iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

Asimo robot runs for the first time - funny but significant

brendotroy says...

@smiley - I don't work for Honda, nor am I a particularly big fan of Asimo (except when he's keeping us amused with his tumbling antics), but I have to point out that both of his feet are off the ground as he "runs" (see my comment above, or watch the video again and listen to the explanation). It does look funny and unhuman, but he is running.

iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

brendotroy says...

Yes - I bet the CEOs of Yahoo! and Google were thrilled to come out one after another ... although I personally wish they'd eliminated Yahoo! altogether and let Google handle the push e-mail ... IMHO gmail "pwns" yahoo! mail.

iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

brendotroy says...

Oh yeah - I'm one of the new Apple "fanboys" sucked in by the iPod, and I'm sure that my segment is as annoying to longtime Mac devotees as the new fans that flock to an established band when they have a radio hit are to their longtime followers.

Still, I can't believe that Apple will keep this Cingular-only for long. Sure, they're claiming that they're "different", and they have won some concessions from Cingular, for sure (especially, apparently, in redoing their network to accommodate that drool-worthy visual voicemail system). Still, I can't imagine that they wouldn't open it up to the rest of the market (Cingular subscribers make up less than a third of the cell phone market in the U.S.), and since they're releasing in Europe, we know that an unlocked (or at least differently-SIMmed) version is possible.

iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

brendotroy says...

Really, dotdude? Are you sure he wasn't mistaken? From what I heard (although I can't find an attribution right now, which means it may be rumor or made-up), these were going to be sold both in Cingular stores and by Apple ( & b&ms). If this "dealer" were a reseller (like your local "we know Macs" store that's not an Apple Store), then maybe so. Either way, I'm waiting for them to be unlocked, at the least, before I buy one. Even possibly the hottest piece of fetish-worthy tech of my adult life isn't worth switching to Cingular for.

iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

brendotroy says...

Thanks, arnor! I'd anxiously watched accounts (blogs and pictures) from the Jobs keynote, but I didn't realize Apple had already put "ads" like this up. And yes, it's pretty dreamy (although not without complications). This excites me not so much because I'll be preordering one, but because I really agree with what Jobs said - that this is going to advance technology in a leap, not an increment. It's an exciting time to be alive and geeky.

Asimo robot runs for the first time - funny but significant

brendotroy says...

@joe: As the woman in the video (and news accounts) explain, both of his feet leave the ground for about .08 seconds per stride, which she claims is "similar to the amount of time that we humans' feet are off the ground while running."

See if you can hear open mic flub by local news anchor (:27)

teachers do napoleon dynamite dance at a school assembly

brendotroy says...

Yeah, I don't know - they seem like pretty hip, young teachers, and that's cool! It doesn't make for a very professional or otherwise gripping video, so I won't vote up, but it's not "indescribably lame", IMO.


iphone is icalling. It will still ipwn your iwallet

Black Sheep trailer: Violence of the Lambs

David Byrne - Psycho Killer Live - Too Cool . . .

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