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Saudi people 'shaking hands' with the royal family

Conan Visits Taco Bell

Longswd says...

I've only gotten sick twice eating fast food. Both times was a Taco Bell and it's not because I patronized them more often than other fast food, rather the opposite actually. Needless to say, I won't go near one now.

jon stewart-rage against the rage against the machine

flight lessons via pallet jack

Horse Burlesque

Vampurr Kitty

Recovering Audio from micro vibrations with only video

Longswd says...

I recall reading something about recovering audio from micro-striations in the grooves on pottery created with a wheel. I don't remember now if it was a serious endeavor or speculative fiction.

Insane hail attack on Siberian beach.

Longswd says...

I'm more blown away by the fact that they have beaches in Siberia.
That is, beaches as a place of recreation as opposed to just a geographic feature.

Bumblebee stings spider to rescue other bumblebee?

Longswd says...

Bumble bees are not carnivorous, accordingly it would have no reason to deploy a sting other than defensively. As it was not under threat itself, the only conclusion can be that it came to the defense of the trapped bee.

The only real question is the mechanism used to communicate the threat and I would guess that it's pheromone based.

Excuse me, your coat is barking!

A genetic algorithm learns how to fight!

Longswd says...

I wonder how many gens are required for them to develop circle-strafing . If a third dimension was added would they learn to bunny hop?

Now you smell it ...

Hunting for warthogs with monkeys

Absurd Method To Stabilize a Downed Fighter

Remote control Spy Turtle watches dolphin pods

Longswd says...

They can immediately tell it's not real through use of their sonar, which gives them an ultrasound-like picture of the insides of it.

I imagine that's why they find it so fascinating. Had they thought it the real deal, they wouldn't be paying any special attention to it. If the goal of the program was to document natural behavior, it's died aborning.

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