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Girl attempts bike jump into lake.... fails hard!!

There Will Be Blood - closing scene

Weezer - Paranoid Android

JAPR says...

>> ^Deano:

I like his voice and it's an honest attempt but I'm not sure if this cover produced anything remarkable. Fun though for all concerned.

Yeah, they don't do anything to really make the song their own, thus it's a copy more than a cover.

Weezer - Paranoid Android

Deadmau5 & Kaskade - Falling in Love with Brazil

how not to jump off a roof into a moving vehicle

JAPR says...

>> ^solecist:

>> ^JAPR:
I mean, come on, the cuts give it away even before the prominent advertisement written on the concrete block behind them.

what? it looks like this is a clip of an episode of some dumb jackass rip-off show. it says so in the yt description and provides a link. if someone showed you a clip of the office and had a link to nbc would you call that viral?

Yeah, but look at the reactions everyone had to it...if the clip was reposted in other places without that context stated, as here, people just see somebody fuck up at something...rather than a planned stunt of a dude falling (from not that high at all, I've jumped off roofs of that height with little pain from impact at landing, it seems to me that he's not in any true pain at all at the end there, and definitely didn't break anything). I noticed the youtube account and thus edited my comment to reflect my reinterpretation.

how not to jump off a roof into a moving vehicle

how not to jump off a roof into a moving vehicle

Axis of Awesome - What Would Jesus Do

Every Call of Duty Kill Montage, Ever.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

JAPR says...

One human life has equal value as any other, and we should treat each other equally, fairly, and compassionately no matter what, or at least try to. In that sense, killing him without a trial is garbage, but what do you friggin' expect from Amurrica? Same old, same old.

Psychedelic Science (Part One)

What is the point of human existence?

Stephen Colbert Sings "Friday" Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

JAPR says...

The prominent synth hook sounded good enough on this with a real band backing it that I just blocked out the lyrics and was almost able to enjoy this song purely based off of the fair compositional quality, but then I remembered that it stands for so much that I hate and it slipped away.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

v Upvote, but I think that Capitalism is only the best system we've had insofar as it was a little less abused by corruption until its more recent history and a lot of us are only now seeing fully how much potential for abuse there is in it. It's not JUST capitalism's fault, as blaming a neutral system for anything is silly, but in part it's just sort of the end result of capitalism being regulated improperly (i.e. allowing corporate abuses).

Also, lol sorry for just jumping into your guys' shit, I'm just mad interested in this sort of stuff the past few months, and am really curious after seeing you guys go back and forth about it lol.

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