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Tea Party Reasoning

Obama Mocks Coming Health-Care Armageddon

Feeling Down? This Will Cheer You Up!

Kirsten Dunst validating the fantasies of millions of Otaku

Stephen Baldwin Calls Obama 'Homey'

Robert Gibbs mocks Palins hand-cheat

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^TangledThorns:
Gibbs attacking a private citizen? CNN is right if the Obama is more worried about Palin's influence and future potential than they let on. Obama can't even pronounce easy words, see the below video. Obama is intellectual hack. he pronounced a single word wrong, which, as far as I know, you're allowed to do from time to time.
Thing is, people like.. oh... say.. Bush, and Palin, seem to have made it their full time jobs to try and mispronounce words.
So, if you judge a person based on how often they mispronounce things.. Obama is STILL more qualified.

Besides, everyone knows that Swabbies can't properly pronounce loads of words, where else would you find someone who pronounces "forecastle" as "folksal".

Sarah Palin Reads Cheat Notes Off Her Hand

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^MilkmanDan:
Palin seems to be the frontrunner in turning that around. If she can get through the next 3 years without putting on a parade of FAIL so amazing that even the far, far religious right starts to question her, the next election will be either A) hilarious or B) tragically farcical. Or possibly both.

You're overlooking the fact that every time she opens her mouth and exudes a steaming pile of nonsense, she only endears herself more to the ever growing masses of ultra conservative lunatics.

I'm expecting this little fiasco will get the same response as most of Bush Jr's idiocy, they'll embrace it as being "regular person."

Frankly I deal with enough "regular people" on a daily basis to know that I certainly don't want any of them anywhere close to positions of power.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

Its a trick!!!

3 Big Ladies vs. 1 Skinny Dude

Shatner asks John Edward ...

HollywoodBob says...

John Edward isn't crazy... he's a con man! His staff hands out questionnaires asking who the audience members are there to contact, and about what. Then he comes out and uses that and his less than mediocre skills as a cold reader to fool the idiots that paid 300$ to talk to grampa into believing that they are.

He is the worst kind of person on the planet.

Obama to Announce a Spending Freeze?!

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^rougy:
You know, we could always start taxing the rich again, and cutting back on our obscene military spending.
We could do much more good, and negatively impact much fewer people.

Now THAT'S just crazy talk! What are you some kind of commie bastard!


You notice you never hear anyone whinging on about big government suggesting cutting the Department of Defense or Homeland Security?

They're happy to spend tax money on blowing up brown people and security theatre, but to hell with properly funding public education or universal healthcare.

Mass Effect 2 Launch Trailer

Zero Punctuation: Darksiders

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^RedSky:
Couldn't agree more about emphasising more simplistic and iconic character design. It's bad enough in singleplayer games, but it's even worse in multiplayer. I feel a lot of developers really need to take a leaf out of the Team Fortress 2 art design philosophy. There is just no way that identifying pixelated figures from a distance especially with the woefully low resolutions on consoles is fun by anyone's standard.

You mean to tell me that you don't absolutely love killing your own team members because they were only a slightly different shade of brown than those of the opposing team? Oh but wait, the developers know their characters look confusingly similar so how to they solve it? Red and green name tags that follow you around, take up the whole screen and make it impossible to take cover and not be seen. "Oh hello, I have my boot sticking out from behind a pile of wrecked cars, yet you know can tell I'm here because MY NAME IS A BIG NEON SIGN BLARING SHOOT HERE!!!"

That's why I always liked Team Fortress and Unreal, Blue and Red, no mistakes, no need for identifying your opponents with huge fucking marquees, you just have to shoot who ever isn't your color.

Pee Wee Herman on Conan, Explaining

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