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Michael J Fox presents Faces of Parkinson's


Understanding the Refugee Crisis in Europe and Syria

Engels says...

While your points are well made, I don't think John Green thinks that the US is not to blame. No more nor less than the Gulf states, who are just if not more wealthy than all the ME put together yet have done nothing, with the problem right at their doorstep.

Undocumented Immigrant Who Works in a Trump Hotel Speaks Out

Engels says...

Why does sift tolerate these trolls? I never got it. Its a shame, really. I know you need to be careful of banning people for 'expressing an opinion", but this is 2015. We can all readily identify trolls, they shouldn't have a place in an otherwise respectable community.

American music isn't dead, Baroness - Grad Live

Engels says...

This was great. Always looking for bands like this. May I recommend listening to Pelican? Similar, a bit less 'heavy', a bit more prog, but along the same vein of instrumentalism.

sniff'n the tears-drivers seat-vintage 70's classic rock

Smoking vs Vaping

Engels says...

If you are a Seattle resident, and I know some of you are, I recommend visiting Future Vapor in Capitol Hill. The owners are all about reaching that 0% nicotine level, and will hook you up with what equipment you need for the budget you can afford. I can't praise these guys highly enough.

If you are not in the area, you can get a decent starter kit and a popular e-juice from mtbakervapor. They are a reliable and relatively inexpensive ecommerce outlet.

That said, if you don't smoke period, don't start vaping. Don't be a tool. Life is hard enough as it is without giving yourself one more fiddly-assed thing to worry about.

A Clown Takes A Pratfall-Wait For It

Engels says...

Well, he was not exactly 'riding on the pavement'. He was being chased ffs. Take away the fact that he was a passive aggressive twat, if someone else had been innocently on the curb with his bike and had some lumbering asshole chase after him, the fact that he was on the pavement wouldn't even have been brought up.

Dancer Gets Funky at Music Festival

Kenny Everett being challenged by Sinead O'Connor

Engels says...

Ok, uhm, this is all fine and well, but why are we digging up clips from 1989? Is there some topical issue here? It reminds me of when the wife brings up a slight from back in 1992 when I forgot to put the toilet seat down on that one Tuesday night, you know, that one time?

Bull vs Idiot

Engels says...

FYI, this bull probably was not going to a bull fight (yet). Its a spanish tradition in many villages to cordon off the town square and let a young-ish bull in there and have the folks 'play' with him. He does not get poked or killed at the end of it.

That said, that jackass was asking for it.

Porsche 919 Hybrid onboard Le Mans T.Bernhard #17

Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp -Trailer

The Hot-Crazy Matrix Explained

The Fifth Estate: The Silence of the Labs

Engels says...

Thought Canada was above this sort of crap. WTF. Where are Americans meant to threaten to move to when the next right wing nutbag gets elected president if you guys up north can't get your shit together!

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