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Virtual Skaters are Bouncy

Battlebots Heavyweight Rumble

Police Handles Skateboarder Situation

CptMonkeyPants says...

"When that citizen pipes up though, he should have turned more of his attention toward that person instead of the other skateboarders. - just my ¢2"

-- Actually I think the cop handled it beautifully when it comes to that as well... Basically, the citizen was trying to "stand up" for the skateboarders... so the cop decided well... if you want to stand up for them you are actually making it harder on them... the citizen ignores this fact and instead raises a stink basically forcing the cop to the letter of the law in case of complaint... therefore making it 10 times worse for the people he (the citizen) is supposedly trying to help. It just proves to me that the citizen didn't actually want to help anyone and just wanted to complain. In the video we see the cop was letting them off... no one was cited he was just telling them the law and then moving on... instead one of them mouths off to the cop who is cutting them a break... then some citizen tries to "help" effectively making it so the cop can't even do that...

go go California public... (I live here and I hate most of the people)

GOING STEADY - Tokyo Kid PV (Japanese music video)

GOING STEADY - Tokyo Kid PV (Japanese music video)

Think! Take Longer To Look For Bikes

CptMonkeyPants says...

It's that kind of passive indifference that makes the roads so annoyingly scary... drivers just pass it off on us bikers... Oh I see you guys riding like retards so you deserve what you get. That kind of backwards logic doesn't work with you car-tards... I see people driving their cars like they are friggin' RETARDED and I don't assume its all car drivers are like that. I have never ridden past an auto accident and think... well he was probably speeding... that's what you get. I ride my bike because it saves me gas and is easier to use in the city I live in. Not because I have some romanticized idea of being a bad boy. I wear full ballistics and armor... I have taken multiple classes about evasive riding and how to act in a major crash.

This advert is merely asking you guys to just keep a better look out for bikers because we are harder to see... is that so frikkin hard for you to understand??? Seriously? I wear a bright yellow suit on my bright yellow bike... I make sure not to ride in blind spots... I don't weave in and out of traffic yet almost once a week I have some unconscious assclown almost run me off the road because he was too dratting lazy to glance in his sideview mirror for more than a millisecond.

I can't count how many times I have had someone pull out in front of me because they are looking the other way... You guys to should take the MSF course or maybe ride with a friend if you can. Get a little perspective before calling this advert out for being a "scare tactic".

The real roads are far scarier than this.

Kari Byron-Butt Scan

Digg: LongBoarder Gets Wiped Out by a Motorist

CptMonkeyPants says...

Not that I support or condone what the driver did... I would prefer that roads are used for vehicles. Speaking as a motorcyclist who almost died cause of some stupid ass bicyclist pulling similar crap, riding their bike down the middle of the road.

When you have to get a license to ride the little board down the hill, then you can ride all over the roads trying to get me killed.

Grave of Fireflies - AMV Cold Play

Amazing Drum Tenor Solo

CptMonkeyPants says...

ah brings me back to the ole marching band days... gotta respect the quad players (forget what they call quads when they add the 2 drums in the middle)

Those frikkin' things are heavy as hell and you have to march with them.


Can I ask you a question in English? a reporter asks Chabal

Number 1 Wonder of Motrocycles : Suzuki Hayabusa

Kindergarten Girl Handcuffed & Arrested At School

CptMonkeyPants says...

Well speaking for my sister (who is a kindergarten teacher herself)... When a kid goes out of control and throws a tantrum (if the throwing chairs part is true) the teachers can do NOTHING about it... the law and sue happy nature of this country has made it so our teachers are some of the most abused citizens. My sister has been bitten and punched by her less than stellar students... while she still had the bleeding little puncture wound in her arm the mother was saying "my son would never do that... he never acts like this" ... useless parents and spineless administration in schools... it's all downhill

If the little girl did what she is being accused of, then its good she saw some consequences for her actions... with the lax parenting that’s rampant in this country... I wish more kids got called on their rotten behavior

Santos - Camels

CptMonkeyPants says...

Awe beaten to the "Gone in 60 seconds" ref... Yeah the good ole original movie. Little Trivia about the film... the guy who funded the project also directed and starred in the picture! Making sure he used his favorite car the mustang mach 1... of course he was no stunt driver and actually wrecked the car in the freeway off ramp scene causeing extensive damage and almost totaling the car. I miss the old days of crazy and eccentric film making.

Vibraphone Orchestra

CptMonkeyPants says...

Actually there is only one Vibraphone in that "orchestra" all the ladies are playing Marimbas (longer wooden keys). A vibraphone has metal keys and a foot pedal like a piano which is used to let the notes resonate longer... a Xylophone is made out of a composite material not wood like a marimba or metal like a vibraphone. Also just metal keys without any resonators are called "bells" or "glockenspiel". Everyone’s percussion lesson for the day

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