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One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

Beefpile says...

"Assholic" is the best adjective I've heard in a long time. Thank you =)

>> ^messenger:

Yup. That's pretty much exactly where I think we agree and disagree, except that I don't think the guy is being an asshole. Saying as little as what's within the law when dealing with someone who can arbitrarily take away your freedom is just smart, in my books. If it comes across as assholic, then that's a problem with the legislation that forces people who want minimum interaction with police to appear rude. FWIW, when the officers keep asking the same question without answering the driver's question, they're being just as rude as he is. Why is nobody sticking up for his rights to be treated politely? My guess is it's because of most people's natural and automatic reverence for authority.
I strongly identify with this guy, and don't think he's trying to be rude. I think he's trying to get out of what he perceives as a dangerous situation in the best way he knows how -- volunteering no extra information.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

Beefpile says...

I get what you're saying, and for the most part I agree, but I think our opinions differ in that I believe there is a time and a place for that and this is not an example the right time and place. Clearly, these cops are not "rabid dogs". This guy is just being an asshole with no provocation. A simple "no" and both he and the cops need not waste any more time.

It's important to remember that cops are just human beings, and like any population of human beings, of course some of them will be assholes, and yeah, those assholes need to be put in their place. But we have no (moral) right to make the non-assholes suffer. It's not their fault some cops are jerks. And this is my opinion, but I value keeping drunks off the road over putting random cops in their place. Make no mistake - DUI checkpoints like these save lives.

>> ^messenger:

When they ask a guy if he's been drinking, they don't care what he says. They're just smelling for alcohol, and listening for slurred speech. They got that information from this driver when he asked them their names and badge numbers. Then they let him go.
Cops need to learn their place in society, and their role isn't as rabid dogs that you should fear and avoid for fear of a random attack. Nobody should fear the police when acting within the law. But for the police to learn their place, sadly, we're all, collectively, going to have to learn their place first, then enforce it back on them through this kind of behaviour. When citizens asserting their rights (including the right not to self-incriminate) is commonplace and cops get used it, then nobody will think this driver is rude for the exact same action.
If you think that this driver ought to be legally required to answer every question put to him by a police officer, then that's your opinion, and of no bearing, because for the time being, that's not the case, legally.>> ^Beefpile:
Come on people, don't upvote this... last thing we need is to spread information on how to get away with drunk driving. Use your head before clicking the up arrow.

One Way To Deal With A DUI Checkpoint (Refusal)

Beefpile says...

Come on people, don't upvote this... last thing we need is to spread information on how to get away with drunk driving. Use your head before clicking the up arrow.

Gorgeous Skyrim timelapse by a professional photographer

Beefpile says...

I'm not really seeing what the big deal is here. The environment is so bland and dead. Where are the animals and people/monsters? IMO this has got nothing on the Red Dead Redemption time lapses out there.

You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

Beefpile says...

>> ^Darkhand:

This video makes me hate fucking white people.
How about you just shut the fuck up, go back to the surburbs, and knit a fucking sock.
I don't know what happened to provoke these guys, but when not ONE but TWO people jump over a counter, run after the guy you're fair game. I'm not saying he should have kept whacking them with a pipe while they were down but jesus lady shut up screaming STOP isn't going to do anything. Why don't YOU call the fucking cops or stand in between them or something JUST STOP SCREAMING! I would've hit her with the pipe too just for good measure.
VIOLENCE HAPPENS and if all you can do is SCREAM you're SCREWED.

The woman screamed in fear because she believed she was watching someone get beat to death. You think only white people would scream in that situation?

You. Are. Racist.

'The Office' Skit with Tons of Cameos from the 2011 Emmys

My Drunk Kitchen, Ep. 7: Tacos

Japanese ghost prank taken to the next level

Anti-Anti-Gay Protesters Targeting Target

Jesus Loves the Little Stereotyped, Racist, Puppet Children

Apocalyptica "End Of Me" feat. Gavin Rossdale

Beefpile says...

Wait, this is Apocolyptica? I haven't listened to them in a very long time but when I did all they did was play Metallica songs on Cellos. When did they start sounding like Nickelback?

Don't F*ck With This Kid!!!

Zero Punctuation: E3 2010

Beefpile says...

I think there are quite a few 'actual gamers' who give a shit about Zelda, Kid Icarus, etc. In fact I'd say only people who have given a shit about video games for a very long time even know who Kid Icarus is or why he needs a new game.

I agree though that the pc's showing was awesome. Absolutely can't wait for Rage or Crysis 2! As for the other consoles.... at least they have Mortal Kombat 9. Better than nothing.

>> ^Xaielao:

E3 this year for consoles was shit.. utter shit. Each of the 'big 3' had reveals that no actual gamer gives a shit about. Again.. absolute shit.
PC gaming was pretty solid however, and that is nice to see for a change.

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