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President Biden responses beautifully
Look who's hating now. Looks like we roped you right in. Have a seat right over there in the red area.
And just to be clear:
Birds Aren't Real!
President Biden responses beautifully
Imagine thinking the US is loved across the world... There is a reason why tourists pretend to be Canadian when they travel abroad. It helps lessen the spit in their food they order.
Look who's hating now. Looks like we roped you right in. Have a seat right over there.
President Biden responses beautifully
The question was about musk's comment in regards to the US economy... Not about one of musk's companies.
is that a reference to the previous senile president you morons chose ?
Google how many brain aneurysms Biden had and while you are at it look at videos of him before and after. You Americans have been choosing one dumb fuck after another screwing over the world thanks to your stupid tribal bs hate for each other.
that's funny.
believing a President's job is talking about a 'failing' economy.
if he said, "believe me...the best market like you've never seen before" would the diapers be any fuller?
dumb is talking against a concern. and dumb doesn't hold to an age.
President Biden responses beautifully
Lol what a dumb old man.
Ford share price - 20 Jan - 3 Jun : Down 48%
Stellantis share price - 20 Jan - 3 Jun : Down 37%
Tesla share price - 20 Jan - 3 Jun : Down 37%
Instead of talking about the failing economy he dodges the question and morons eat it up like they do with all his filled diapers.
(Member Profile)
Tick Tock Tick Tock
TX law & tattoos
Cheers, Enjoy your war. Tick tock tick tock.
Not all "Christians", and not the top for most. Don't like abortions, don't have one works for most people.
If it had come out that Trump paid for 100 abortions for his various mistresses and daughters it wouldn't change one Christian vote.
Like I mentioned, America is by far mostly Christian, and firmly pro choice. You really don't understand American Christians. They work on Sundays, wear blended fabrics, eat shellfish, etc. Fundamentalists are frowned upon.
If you insist on being a child, I'll have to give you a time out.
TX law & tattoos
"Best you get is one you mostly agree with on the important things and trust to not become a monster." So you don't think abortion would be high on a Christian's list of important things ?
I think you should check on your pedo grandpa, he's closed his eyes and been like that for hours.
Are you saying you're so ignorant you don't understand how representative democracy works at all?
Finding a candidate who's positions mirror yours across the board doesn't happen. Best you get is one you mostly agree with on the important things and trust to not become a monster.
And more ignorant preschool argument. Thanks for proving you aren't to be taken seriously. I think I hear your mom calling, kid.
TX law & tattoos
Wait are you saying you guy's are so stupid that you vote for people and don't know what they stand for... ffs no wonder your country has turned to shit. It sure explains the current pedo grandpa running the show lol
Try reading my last sentence again.
TX law & tattoos
"their representatives did" gee, and who voted for those representatives again ?
You certainly pretended to be, and pretended to have first hand knowledge of the situation. It's called a lie by omission.
Texans didn't vote for this, their representatives did. You are telling Texans what to think and do....insisting because a majority are Christian they must be anti choice, and since pro choice people lost one battle they should just leave Texas, but the same doesn't go for Texans who are anti choice and had lost every battle until this one. See how infantile your argument is now?
America is a representative democracy....a democratic republic, not a democracy. Some places like California have direct voter approved laws, so are partly democratic, but mostly representatives choose our laws and path. Assuming that because one person wins an election means all their voters approve of everything they do shows a naivete usually reserved for pre kindergarten kids.
TX law & tattoos
Imagine thinking the US would not intervene when China takes Taiwan...
At best the US could field 500k troops offshore without weakening other strategic locations.
China's paramilitary has 20,854,000 troops, as of 2018...
If they decided to do conscription that will probably add another 30 - 40 million.
Good luck taking that on without a draft to bolster the US numbers.
The US haven't won a war since they lost to rice farmers in Vietnam. Must be your achilles heel considering you lost against goat farmers in Afghan. Hope you do better against something more equipped that farmers...
How's that Texas economy doing? Finally getting past 5% budget cuts to project a $750 million surplus....California, which isn't losing population despite right wing claims of an exodus, had $75.7 BILLION surplus....only 100 times better.
Texas population might be growing, it's economy is stagnant at best and it's infrastructure is horrendous, just criminally awful, actually so bad it's killing Texans.
Ahhh, so this is all uninformed opinion from a foreigner who has no clue about Texas or America, arguing with an informed Texan native and US citizen about America and Texas. I should have known, you really don't have a clue, and biased internet news isn't going to help you be informed.
Lol. Really. Such delusion. Who's circling? What war, we just ended one. What draft, our military is oversized, bigger and better equipped than all others combined, and has no fighting missions to complete. What the fuck are you talking about?
TX law & tattoos
Lol when did I ever say I'm Christian or from Texas or even from the Un-United States of America...
"who knows what people in Texas should think" lol that is what you numbnuts are doing. Bitching about a law being implemented that you don't agree with and telling Texans what to think.
I'm just pro democracy and anti abortion, mocking the morons that's purposely bringing down their own country from within. Its so sad/pathetic what you guy's have become in just 5 years. Rome is burning and yet you are still at each others throats...
I try to be as smart as I am able to, my means are humble.
Do you presume that everyone in Texas who proclaims himself a christian is obliged to have the same official christian opinion on abortions?
Dissenters to be burned at a stake on Sunday.
I do not claim to know "very fundamentals" but I am sure there are many interpretations even in Texas of what christianity is or should be. Which exactly do you have in mind?
I am glad videosift is graced by the presence of the Texas supreme christian fundamentalist who knows what people in Texas should think, the penalty for nonconformity being to "fuck off out of Texas". Sounds very unchristian to me, but what do I know about christians in Texas, right?
Well enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Texas. Abortions dont care, they will keep on being performed, just secretly, dangerously and expensively. Lawyers will be happy. Poor people will die. In the name of preserving the life of a cluster of cells which might or might not have gone on to become a human, actual humans will be harmed.
TX law & tattoos
^ That's about 2/3 of the world's population.
"Texas's loss" LOL!! Somebody haven't been keeping up on migration in the US. People are fleeing the blue states like no tomorrow. Texas is the fastest growing state in the US...
This is just another example of how divided your country is.
Keep fucking over each-other. You dumb fucks are doing your enemy's job for them. Like I said to you 4 months ago. Enjoy your war and draft. +- 8 Months left of your life as you know it. US have never been so weak. The sharks are circling.
TX law & tattoos
Lol why did you edit out the 2 lists I also gave that total in the multiple billions ?
"Are you so insane you think if Christians were ever a target, they can't possibly ever be a perpetrator" Again with you spreading lies/fake news. Stop painting your psychotic thoughts as things I said. It was a piece of an article and the article also didn't say anything remotely as what you are claiming.
If you didn't edit out the other lists you would clearly see your initial statement is false.
Um, moron, most of those are murders committed in the name of Christianity. American colonization was absolutely about conversion by force, murder in the name of religious superiority, and by itself was >90% of those deaths you mentioned.
Holy fuck. What's wrong with you?
TX law & tattoos
"But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people." That is not a fact, that is a opinion. YOURS. Not those who are against abortions. YOU are telling them murder is ok. Think about that for a second...
"America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. " Finally you get it. Now fuck right off out of Texas. Was it that hard...
No, but you must be.
Baby murder gets the death penalty in Texas. This law calls for civil penalties, not even a parking ticket. It's an infraction of a regulation other citizens can profit from enforcing, not murder in any way shape or form, by Texas law.
You gave me the definition!!! ROTFLMFAHS!!!!
" Definition
Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one HUMAN BEING by another"
But you intentionally ignores the fact that the unborn aren't yet people. You can't murder non people. I've pointed this out repeatedly. It seems you must have the illiteracy problem along with your reality problem.
It's true, I WOULD and HAVE defended infanticide, especially historically, but I absolutely have not mentioned it before now in this thread. Supporting abortion is not defending murder by any accepted definition of those words, you have to skew the definitions of human beings and the definition of murder before your position makes sense. Duh. I expect your verbal SAT score was awful, you have a tenuous grasp of English.
According to the bible, yep, not people. Sorry. Try reading it and interpreting what's actually there instead of having someone do it for you.
So, you are advocating Baptist Sharia law.
America has legalized abortions in every state by law because the majority wants it. Don't like it, fuck right off. As easy as that, but your ilk didn't fuck off, you prefer end runs around the constitution and the destruction of codified rights and using legal trickery and convolutions to enact laws that are knowingly unconstitutional but will effectively end abortions before the legal process can invalidate them by bankrupting providers. Anything BUT fucking right off. Take your own advice first, maybe.
Again, the majority in Texas don't want this, didn't vote for it, and absolutely don't want the consequences....which is an exodus of multi national corporations who won't support this nonsense with their wallets.
The majority of Americans are Christians, and a large majority want abortion to be legal and easy to access. Your logic is fatally flawed, being Christian doesn't mean you're anti abortion any more than it means you're anti murder, in fact it means you're more likely to support and defend murder, the bible prescribes it for almost any infraction from actual murder to mowing your lawn on Sunday. The bible says nearly nothing about abortion, what little it does say indicates it's not a crime. Holy fuck, learn your own religion before trying to impose it on others!
Texas was already teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, no doubt the backlash for this move will push them hard over the edge. I already cancelled my trip there, and won't be buying any Texas made products. I'm not alone.
TX law & tattoos
"please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others." Your the one implying woman and men are to stupid to use other forms of contraceptives.
"power grab over reproduction rights." Lol again if the woman don't want a child use contraceptives. Its her choice... You are the one saying they for some reason are to dumb to do that.
Did the woman pay those men to beat her ? Was it her choice to take the life of her child ? That argument of yours have been smashed to pieces countless times by people much smarter than me and you. Look it up.
"thou shalt not kill"
Agreed, so learn the fundamentals, because you have them wrong.
The bible says if a group of men beat a woman so hard she has a miscarriage but otherwise don't hurt her, no crime or harm has been done, but if they harm HER an eye for an eye comes into play. That's as close to directly saying abortions are fine because the unborn aren't people under Christianity as you could possibly hope for 1800 years before the current procedure existed....but it should be noted that the practice began nearly 5000 years ago in China, and 3500 years ago in European culture. It was not unknown when the bible was written, but is unmentioned beyond this passage that indicated it's not a crime under Christianity.
All the nonsense you've been taught and are repeating is not in the bible, it's only coming from the church as a power grab over reproduction rights. If you don't know the fundamentals of your own religion, please don't try to impose your ignorant misunderstandings on others.