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National Geographic - Paper Wasps

GI JOE THE MOVIE (Intro) (Cobra are the good-guys™ )

10898 says...

I don't know about Cobra being the real good guys, but the GI Joe response was pretty worrying. Instead of diffusing the bomb he attached it to the flying aircraft carrier ... which was floating over the city.

Counter-terrorist isn't supposed to mean you're a terrorist for the other side.

I liked it though

Prank War 7: The Half Million Dollar Shot

10898 says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
I don't get how he was told it was a prank? He looks up and sees something then poof he knows?

He sees his "Bud" Streeter, so that tipped him off.

I still think these are staged. I kind of hope they aren't, but I think they are.

Dude, Don't Smoke the Cat

10898 says...

What kind of nation do I live in? The charge for smoking marijuana is more serious than the charge for stuffing another living thing into a bong.

Arrested Development - Gob's wife decides to leave him

Chinese Bluegrass

San Francisco to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

Customer Stops Abandoned Moving Car From Ramming Store

10898 says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
I see two perpetrators, one wearing a white shirt, and dark pants, with dark shoes. The other with a dark shirt, and blue jeans. From this distance making a judgment on their physical features, is impossible and any judgment would be unethical.

Tomorrow on their 5o'clock news.

Two men were apprehended earlier today after local police received a tip from a poster at Videosift.
"Whoa, we totally missed those guys." Officer Lars Georgson was heard saying "we were just distracted by that civilians ballsy action."

Shopping At The WTF-Mart

10898 says...

Did the Soviet Union start up again when I wasn't looking? I thought it was a horrendously corrupt capitalist Republic now.

This time the Soviet Union is an actual Communist power rather than a fake Socialist-on-its-way-to-communist state? Really? Wow, I've been really missing some news. Thanks for updating me earlier posters

RIP Reaganomics (1981-2009)

10898 says...

They are in trouble because they need new people to try to buy those homes. We have run out of eager, (overly)confident consumers. A balancing act is required.

I'm not saying all the blame lays at the top. I'm just saying that putting all the blame on those who have bitten off more than they can chew is blaming the victim.

People have been behaving the way that they are wired to. People with poor impulse control and a lack of financial savvy have gone into debt. Ambitious people with questionable moral fiber have been more than happy to help them.

Both parties are to blame. I feel more inclined to blame those who have wound up comfortably at the top of failing businesses than those who have lost their homes.

RIP Reaganomics (1981-2009)

10898 says...

We are living in a wonderful time. There are no frontiers for people to run to. They must conform to the way of life deemed acceptable by society. Those who lack the appropriate amount of financial savvy will lose their homes, after already paying substantial amounts towards them.

The banks never intended for you to keep your home, many mortgages are not simple and linear for a reason. If they can get you to pay off a substantial amount of the mortgage and then take it back, they win. The lower and middle classes now rent their existence. If they lack financial savvy (an unforgivable sin) they are rightfully doomed to spend their lives paying off possessions they can not afford and will not keep.

The only problem is that all the cattle have been slaughtered at ounce. Even the calves have been cut down with credit-card debt and cell phone bills. Who will the debt farmers turn to now?

Morgan Freeman On Black History Month

The greatest movie cell phone PSA ever

You have to do WHAT to reproduce?

Ricky Gervais - Alternatives to anal sex

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