Top Videos of All Time

Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot.
posted by fissionchips

posted by Ornthoron
Oct 1st 2008
posted by Grimm

Ladies: if you tell a man you have a boyfriend early you may end the conversation and a chance for some free drinks, etc. If you wait, you are more like to get this type of reaction. If you'd already... continue reading
posted by Aemaeth
posted by arvana
posted by laura
A little compassion goes a long way.
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
[YT] This is my then 7 year old son after a dental procedure last summer. I felt so bad for him but it was so funny plus he gets a kick out of seeing himself acting like this. Enjoy!
posted by Majortomyorke
I'll eat my hat if this doesn't get at LEAST 100 votes Update: I knew you would all love it. :)
posted by djsunkid
About 90 minutes before tonight's Letterman taping, McCain's people phoned to say he was suspending his campaign because of the financial crisis legislation and therefore had to cancel doing the show.... continue reading
posted by gourmetemu

Jerry the wiener dog must have a geek owner. Who else could invent an automatic ball launcher so their pooch could play fetch by itself?
posted by kronosposeidon