Best. Halloween Invention. Ever. = Muscles

For the last two years my son Jack has worn costumes that have implants, and they are to me one of the finest additions to kids costumes since the abolished 2000mil plastic "Face Humidifiers" of our halloween past.



And then there is me at the same age...back in the 60's


So Happy Halloween, Mr. Buff McHardAbs™!



swampgirl says...

Your son is sooo cute! I love your costume YDJ. Remember the ones with the cheap plastic mask w/ a rubber band stapled on to wear it on your head? The rubber band ALWAYS snapped before the night was over.

My best costume as a child was a Princess Leia (white w/ the hair buns) look my mom whipped up from a couple of white bedsheets.

youdiejoe says...

Thanks! I think he's cute too.

Yes the masks of old are what I referred to as "Face Humidifiers" because of the the amazing amount of condensation that would accumulate on the inside of them from your own breath.

Halloween costumes back in the day were barely a step above hospital gowns.

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