Full Queue Freebie: Hillary and Monsanto
Full Queues are never fun but heres a couple clips I would normally submit.
Found this clip from this blog, although I'd like to know what the documentary is from, I recognized Vandana Shiva from the documentary - The Corporation.
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How the heck did I get there, well I was reading this attack on Hillary Clinton from a chick who went to the same college as Hillary...Hillary has ties to Monsanto.
Mahalo have their own video girl, she's not bad, I wonder if submitting her stuff to the sift would be considered self promotion?
Oh...and how about the latest attempt to connect obama to osama. MSNBC it was the graphics guy and he was "reprimanded" - they wont identify him, maybe Fox News can get over there and find out who the guy was, what his motivation? did the clintons pay him

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