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An Anti-Libertarian (& Noam Chomsky) Critique

vairetube says...

Wow for once a british voice actually pissed me off. I think it's his apathetic tone.

I understand why people don't want to pay for services -- The misappropriation of funds due to lack of transparency, and the sheer size of the number of transactions, makes it impossible to really know anything.

It is not an insurmountable problem. I'm pretty sure you could do it with PeopleSoft and some fancy SQL work. If you could follow that 2 cents to where it goes, you could then make the claim it was wasted.

I'll never understand why people don't get the connection between the insane gas prices last year and taxes:

One is willing to pay a random, exorbitant increase...for nothing... but won't... if it specifically goes to local services. Transparency will take care of this problem. "wow i helped to fund that". Pride may well ensue.

The problem now is NO ONE knows anything about anything, at all, when it comes to where the money comes and goes. No one. Not the government, and certainly not citizens who barely have time to stop working long enough to watch the evening news.

It would be a true wonder we got this far on the backs of honest hardworking people... if those same people weren't purposely misinformed to allow perpetual abuse of their funds.

We all know generally where the problem is: Military spending and no bid contracts. But what can we do about it when fear is such a strong .. commodity... for the dishonest among us?

I for one, have conceptualized a "truth machine", which, while not detecting lying humans by their physiological responses... would capture, catalogue, and be able to cross index and recall data and facilitate only logical discourse between all people. It will put a stop to people who can speak with golden tongues, or contradict themselves and pretend they didnt, or who make illogical assertions based on fear, by allowing instant recall of data. It involves digital recording and an element of human indexing of data -- very similar to what we have on videosift, in that there is a wealth of data on many things that can be recalled to some extent to prove and strengthen positions. One must be able to say, NO that is WRONG. And here is irrefutably why.

A lofty goal, but then again I am a computer science major in an age of unprecedented techonological advancement. With Obama's encouragement of education and sciences, along with SSD technology and exponentially better and cheaper tech... the manipulation of data by the dishonest will come to an end. All people must be connected and able to access all data to make the best decision.

It will be done. Of course, a real truth machine would be cool too. Read the book of the same name. Really fucking great.

US Senator - The earth has been here for 6000 years...

A million silent, peaceful protesters in Tehran, Iran

dannym3141 says...

^ I like the way we're insulting brave people risking their lives for their unsteady camerawork.

After seeing the way the iranians have held themselves and acted, i wish i lived there. From what i've seen, i fit in better there than i do here in england. The majority of people here make me feel sick. The people in these videos make me feel inspired...put my faith back in the human race.

While us highly evolved and highly civilised people in the western world are busy letting our governments walk all over us because we're too apathetic to leave our television sets and get our fat overfed arses into the streets to stand up for ourselves. And knifing (england) / shooting (america) each other over the most petty bullshit you've ever heard, treating our fellow human beings like dirt...... Oh and we're also very busy climbing all over each other to try and get a bit further up the proverbial ladder.

I lost my train of thought. Oh yeah... whilst we're busy doing all that ^, the iranians are out there peacefully and nicely letting "the elite" know who's really in charge, whilst treating their fellow human beings like the brothers and sisters they are. God damn i'm jealous.

Snaggletoothed Libertarian Opines

EndAll says...

I hope you're not trying to push this as an accurate representation of all libertarians. It's a shame they chose to use this woman as a mouth-piece for the movement in this video.

I'm not anything, no party involvement, I'm generally apathetic, but I have to say that I've noticed most Dems have their heads so far up Obama's ass; their noses completely shit-brown, that they can't see the light. Not the light of Libertarianism, the bright light of blatant BULLSHIT with its ever-growing glowing glare shining all around them.

The Sift, Thoreau, and Civil Disobedience (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

thepinky says...

Gwiz, I think that you misundestood me. I said that CD doesn't always involve breaking the unjust law. Of course it involves breaking the law.

Dgandhi, thank you very much for your thoughts. I agree with you. Yours was just the sort of logical and well-supported response I was seeking when I posted this thread. This is why I take these types of questions to the Sift. So many of you are more knowledgeable than I that I know I'm bound to get some good stuff when I come here with my personally puzzling questions.

Thanks again.

The only thing I want to say is that I barely remember the Iraq war protests. I was only 14 or 15 at the time, but in my memory they seem short-lived and unremarkable. That isn't the fault of the protestors, though. They did their best. Maybe I was just an apathetic teenager,

What are we going to do about this country? It's a pickle.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Doc_M says...

1. I once played in a Jazz band with Bruce Johnstone.
2. I used to be a trance DJ... I still have my decks and a crate of vinyl.
3. My first rave was Hullabaloo.
4. I've never broken a bone or needed a stitch.
5. I have a tatoo. Yes, they hurt.
6. In college, I ran the radio station.
7. I was only ever in two car accidents... they were both on the same day.
8. I got pulled over at 12:15am, January 1st, 2000.
9. I eat entirely too much popcorn.
10. I also love cheese.
11. I was a terror in elementary school, a teacher's pet in middle school, and an apathetic BQ in high school.
12. I love caving.
13. I love golfing.
14. Little things don't annoy me.
15. I have a rather acute sense of smell.
16. I once had a dog named Fudge. I didn't name him.
17. I haven't been sick in years.
18. I never get the hiccups. I only get one.
19. I love spicy food.
20. I like yellow... and that's just weird.
21. I was not impressed by Susan Boyle.
22. I'm a decent mimic, but I cannot for the life of me do the British accent.
23. I once had a curry dish with mill worms as the main ingredient. It was fantastic.
24. I've stopped noticing the helicopters.
25. I often have lucid dreams.

So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts? (Scifi Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Jesus I just watched it in HD. Did they really have to make Roselyn so fucking scary looking? BTW the camera operator really needs to start a 12 step program and wane off the booze. Jesus that was dizzying, I guess 45 mins never hurt as much as an hour and 45 of that.

Poor lazy cop out ending, but I don't blame them it was always going to be hard to end this show, especially after the Starbuck shit they pulled, I always felt they killed her just for the LULZ and season shocker shit.

Over the last season they sucked everything I ever loved about the show, so by the end I was fairly apathetic. Gone was the exploration of leadership and military justice. I would have liked the battle to have been A BIT MORE TACTICALLY SOUND. Just for some kind of action kick.

And the "Look Earth! So green! Fuck Technology!" WTF Man? That was so stupid.

Still better then any ending Lost can conjure up for you losers still watchin', I expect that to end with a cut to a fat man lying on a couch suddenly waking up "Woa WTF was that?"

Give Me Some F**kin' Milk

A Day In The Life Of StarBucks

LadyDeath says...

>> ^filantropo:
they thought ac/dc is cool enough (and drowned the dialogues enough) to let some guy attempt to make some statement but be simply apathetic and without contrast correction.
I was going to bitch about Starbucks invasion of countries with actual coffee traditions, but fuck it, I won't. Starbucks and any big corporation franchising can go fuck themselves and their new costumers.

your comment is so out of place

A Day In The Life Of StarBucks

13757 says...

they thought ac/dc is cool enough (and drowned the dialogues enough) to let some guy attempt to make some statement but be simply apathetic and without contrast correction.

I was going to bitch about Starbucks invasion of countries with actual coffee traditions, but fuck it, I won't. Starbucks and any big corporation franchising can go fuck themselves and their new costumers.

Psychologic (Member Profile)

imstellar28 says...

I agree with everything you just said. If what you say is indeed true, isn't the argument about gay laws, rather than gay rights? Rights don't change from country to country, or time to time, only laws do. Gays don't want new rights, as you stated, they want new laws. Given that, which sounds easier to convince someone of:

1. A new law which permits gay marriage between consenting individuals.
2. A new law which permits marriage between all consenting individuals.

I'm not gay, so why should I care about, or support #1? I can already get married, so why should I care a new law permitting marriage? You might be able to convince some that it is a "good" cause, but most people will be apathetic because it doesn't affect them--and many will down right resent it because it explicitly goes against their beliefs.

Now try to round up support for #2, if there are no laws currently in place about marriage, it would be pretty easy to find support, wouldn't it? If you ask me the same question about #2, I would absolutely support your new law. I want to get married, so I will support a law which permits me to marry. #2 finds universal support because it finds universal common ground.

Imagine a situation where there are a dozen laws, each permitting a different group to get married. With each new group added, it actually becomes harder for new groups to gain rights because there are less people left with any reason to support it. When you already have something, you care a lot less about getting it...even if it means that others will get it too.

Selfish? Maybe, but isn't a law which only gives "rights" to one specific group selfish? The civil rights movement was extremely selfish. It was not "progress" save for one particular group. Blacks gained the right to marry whites, but what about gays? Why didn't black people care about gays getting married?

If, when granting blacks the legal ability to marry whites, we had phrased the law as in #2, blacks would have had their right to marry just the same--and so would the gays, and every other persecuted group for that matter. The problem of "Gay marriage" would have been solved before anyone ever knew it existed.

If humans really are equal, why should the words "gay, black, white, male, female" or any other group description ever exist in any law? Why should we ever discuss laws or rights with these terms? You're either human or your not, what difference does anything else make?

In reply to this comment by Psychologic:

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Sarzy says...

1. I'm not actually a chimp.

2. I have a political science BA even though I'm completely apathetic when it comes to politics.

3. I am (was) related to Edward Said.

4. I hate the word "foodie."

5. I am a foodie (for lack of a better word).

6. I slept with the lights on until my first year of university.

7. I once played a racing game in an arcade with John Tesh.

8. I went to film school.

9. I'm abandoning my dreams of becoming a filmmaker and going into law school in September (assuming one will accept me).

10. One of the highlights of my life (recently at least) was actually hiring a steadicam operator for a recent short film I made (which will probably end up being the last film I ever make).

11. The most times I've ever seen a film theatrically was Punch Drunk Love (seven times).

12. I've been playing videogames since the Atari, and would definitely call myself a gamer, though I've probably only finished maybe 20 or so games all the way through.

13. I am way more of an introvert than I'd like to be (ie. I'm distressingly shy).

14. Stanley Kubrick is a god to me.

15. I cannot stand people who use the word "guesstimate".

16. I've only watched three movies at home in the last two months thanks to the humongous time-sink that is World of Warcraft.

17. The first thing I ever downloaded was a picture of Andrew Dice Clay from a BBS. It was mind-blowing.

18. I made my first website, a Duke Nukem 3D fansite, in 1996. You can still see it at the internet archive (

19. When I first heard about 3D cards, I thought "a card just for 3D graphics? What a ridiculous idea, that'll never fly." I bought my first 3D card (a Monster 3D) a couple of years later.

20. I can't stand watching or playing sports of any kind (even hockey, which means I can never truly be a Canadian, despite being born here and living here all my life).

21. I can't stand the taste of beer (see above, RE: not a real Canadian).

22. My family is Palestinian on both sides, though I rarely tell people that to avoid the inevitable discussions/conflict.

23. I wear a Mickey Mouse watch.

24. I've never been in a fight.

25. I would like to one day travel to every country in the world, with the exception of the super-poor and/or scary ones (ie. I have no real desire to go to, say, Afghanistan).

VideoSift v3.3 (Sift Talk Post)

burdturgler says...

There is a huge amount of dupes submitted to this site.

You are going from 100+ people managing it, to under 5.
Bronze crowns are going to be inundated with pm's to correct them.

During this backlog of work that's being created for them, comments will be posted, voted on, etc. All of which will be lost.
Meanwhile, I and I'm sure others will become more apathetic towards dupes. People will vote on dupes more, post them more, without any concern, assuming they'll eventually be noticed and merged. People will just start crying "dupe" more often, supplying no links because it's not their job... and so on. Eventually, this site will have more dupes, because not everyone will get a bronze crown's attention.

As much as I appreciate your hard work (and I do!), if the current implementation of dupeof can cause such serious damage to the site, then no member should have it.

We need a dupe solution, and one that will merge votes, but I don't think this is it.
I'm sorry I'm being the asshole here, I love the sift, but that's why I wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least say what I think about this.

On a side note:
If I was bronze crown and found out this was my new power, I'd be pissed. You just got handed the mop and bucket for the whole site.

Was Jesus just another sun god

nibiyabi says...

^Of course, the positions of both atheism and theism are neither falsifiable nor intellectually honest. Most self-proclaimed atheists (such as myself) would, when prodded, admit to really being agnostic (I prefer the term "teapot agnostic", after Russell's Teapot). The reason I avoid labeling myself an agnostic is because most people take this to mean either (A) I am apathetic about the whole idea or (B) I am 50/50, when in reality I have devoted far more thought to it than the average person, and my split is more like 99.9999/0.0001. I have to acknowledge the possibility of the existence of one or more deities, however remote and absurd, because there is no evidence to disprove their existence.

If one claims that a being exists who violates all the laws of physics (i.e., an extraordinary claim), one requires some pretty compelling proof (i.e., extraordinary evidence). So far, absolutely none has been submitted, so I will continue to have a lack of belief in supernatural deities, and will encourage the same logical, reasonable thought in my future children, while of course not requiring it.

A simple question (Religion Talk Post)

thinker247 says...

I was raised a Catholic until 3, but I was never molested. I think. Then my mother sent us on a wild ride of church hopping, which annoyed me to no end. By the time I hit teenage years, I had no use for God, regardless of his existence. I was busy learning how to masturbate ten times a day without chaffing. Miracles do happen, I tell ya.

I became a born-again, psychotic Sarah Palin-Christian when I was 17, only to actually pick up the Bible and read it three years later, sending me on a spiral of philosophy, satanism, atheism, agnosticism and backwards Rolling Stones albums.

Now I'm 28, and I realize that nothing is sacred and nothing is real. We are nothing but oddly-shaped wavelengths, cascading around a vortex of inescapable misery, nuanced with slight, fleeting feelings of pure joy. One day we will all die, whether or not a god exists. Therefore the question of his existence is moot, although intriguing anyway.

I think there is no god of any kind, but I can't prove it, obviously. But I think that if there is a god, it is like Cthulhu; angry and violent, regarding us as nothing important.

I'm apathetic about turtles.

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