So Battlestar Galactica is Over. Thoughts?
Fair warning: Spoilers Ahead. Stop reading if you don't want to find out things about the end of the series.
I guess it's fair to say the show didn't quite answer all of the questions they left floating around.
What we do know:
1) All of the trials and tribulations of the colonies happened about 150,000 years ago, local time.
2) "God" has nearly identical humans at different levels of evolution on different planets throughout the universe.
3) The hallucinations of Baltar and Caprica Six (of one another) were really angels or some shit.
4) What made Hera so important was that she was at the middle of the ceasefire then emergency jump to New Earth.
5) Everyone on Earth today is an offspring of Cylons and humans.
6) The centurions are flying around in the universe somewhere with vastly superior technology than we currently possess.
7) Bob Dylan ripped off a song implanted in the brains of the Final Five at least 152,000 years ago.
What else?
What we still don't know:
1) WTF Starbuck was when she returned. Was she a ghost that everyone could see, hear, touch, and feel? Was her ship the same?
2) Why was Starbuck repeatedly called the harbinger of death if she actually sent everyone to this lush green planet to repopulate humanity?
3) Was Starbuck's father really Daniel, the last Cylon "child" created by the final five? If so, was her mother human? How did they successfully breed?
4) Why did old Earth have the same view of the same constellations as are visible from new Earth?
5) Where did the original colonies colonize from?
6) What else?
Overall, I take the finale at face value. It's nice that they found New Earth, saw an end of the human-Cylon war, and were able to live in peace without shelter or technology for the rest of their lives. It wasn't a completely fulfilling ending, but at least they tried. Right?
I guess it's fair to say the show didn't quite answer all of the questions they left floating around.
What we do know:
1) All of the trials and tribulations of the colonies happened about 150,000 years ago, local time.
2) "God" has nearly identical humans at different levels of evolution on different planets throughout the universe.
3) The hallucinations of Baltar and Caprica Six (of one another) were really angels or some shit.
4) What made Hera so important was that she was at the middle of the ceasefire then emergency jump to New Earth.
5) Everyone on Earth today is an offspring of Cylons and humans.
6) The centurions are flying around in the universe somewhere with vastly superior technology than we currently possess.
7) Bob Dylan ripped off a song implanted in the brains of the Final Five at least 152,000 years ago.

What we still don't know:
1) WTF Starbuck was when she returned. Was she a ghost that everyone could see, hear, touch, and feel? Was her ship the same?
2) Why was Starbuck repeatedly called the harbinger of death if she actually sent everyone to this lush green planet to repopulate humanity?
3) Was Starbuck's father really Daniel, the last Cylon "child" created by the final five? If so, was her mother human? How did they successfully breed?
4) Why did old Earth have the same view of the same constellations as are visible from new Earth?
5) Where did the original colonies colonize from?
6) What else?
Overall, I take the finale at face value. It's nice that they found New Earth, saw an end of the human-Cylon war, and were able to live in peace without shelter or technology for the rest of their lives. It wasn't a completely fulfilling ending, but at least they tried. Right?
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