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All Your History - Bethesda Part 1: The Open World (S3E26)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'All Your History, Bethesda, part, one, uno, first, open world, S3E26, computer games, RPG' to 'All Your History, Bethesda, open world, elder scrolls, terminator, todd howard' - edited by xxovercastxx

Zero Punctuation: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

braindonut says...

I loved the game. The great parts more than outweighed the bad parts (which yes, the boss fights and the crazed people were bad).

I didn't mind the ending-tron 5000. I selected an ending that I enjoyed quite a bit and it felt like a decent close to the game. Also, ~25 hours of gameplay is not bad for this kind of game, these days. I'm sure other action RPGs get more hours in there, but 25 is nothing to be upset about.

Ultimately, I think it was the best game I've played all year.

Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish

CEO REALLY Stands Behind His Product

solecist says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

AK 47 is a relatively weak rifle to test it with. Compared to a 7.62 NATO which is far more common in the United States it has a maximum 1260 ft-lbf of energy at the muzzle to the NATO 7.62's 2500-3000. And 7.62 NATO is not a heavy load either. A .50 cal BMG (as someone suggested) has 11,000 - 13,000, ten times the 7.62 Russian's energy.

what? i have no idea where you would be using this glass, but i can guarantee you that an AK47 is likely the most powerful HANDHELD firearm you're going to be facing next to an RPG launcher or something. everyone from detroit gangbangers to iraqi insurgents to rebels in the congo have AK47s. the next step up for most of those guys is likely a .50 cal mounted machine gun, and at that point you're boned regardless of your GLASS, because that shit can go through relatively thick STEEL.

Zero Punctuation: Deus Ex

dannym3141 says...

Here's the skinny - deus ex is very good at incorporating your choice into the storyline, so you think there was no choice. Good example, at one point in the new game you get to either let someone die (they tell you to) or you can work it so they survive. First time, i didn't even notice. Second time, i tried to save them and got a different story out of it but it was seamless both ways, i wouldn't have known it was a choice.

Whilst i agree with the fact that it didn't beat any other game (baldur's gate, diablo, etc.) remember that you're comparing it with several games at the same time; it's not as good as fallout at being an rpg but it isn't a pure rpg, etc.

It's a pretty good game in conclusion, though it probably is a tad overhyped. New one's good fun too, but again not groundbreaking to me. Doesn't have to be, if it's good enough, and it is.

Edit: That second deus ex was shit though, if you ask me. Glad they pulled it back with this one.

Zero Punctuation: Deus Ex

ponceleon says...

Oh and if you liked SS2, you will LOVE the original Deus Ex.

>> ^moodonia:

Thats interesting, not long ago I finished System Shock 2 (impossible? no its not) and enjoyed it so much I was planning to play Deus Ex with a few mods to update the graphics a bit, maybe I shouldnt bother.
>> ^mentality:
Best PC game of all time? You gotta be joking.
I played it when the game came out, and while I agree that it is a good game, it did not provide you with any experience that was truly novel or exceptional.
The story was forgettable - whatever choices you made storywise were inconsequential, with the entire game boiling down to picking one of 3 different endings during the last mission.
The shooter elements were not as fun/polished/balanced as contemporary games like Half-Life. The stealth elements were not as well executed as games like Thief. The RPG elements lacked the depth of other cRPGs like Fallout. The atmosphere and immersion was limited by the technology - the setting of a cyberpunk metropolis just wasn't believable.
And finally, the idea of a shooter-RPG hybrid and different gameplay approaches to the same problem was already done before by System Shock 2, which with its excellent atmosphere and survival horror elements, is a much better game IMO.
And with Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Thief 2, and The Sims all coming out in 2000, I wouldn't even call Deus Ex game of the year material.

Zero Punctuation: Deus Ex

moodonia says...

Thats interesting, not long ago I finished System Shock 2 (impossible? no its not) and enjoyed it so much I was planning to play Deus Ex with a few mods to update the graphics a bit, maybe I shouldnt bother.

>> ^mentality:

Best PC game of all time? You gotta be joking.
I played it when the game came out, and while I agree that it is a good game, it did not provide you with any experience that was truly novel or exceptional.
The story was forgettable - whatever choices you made storywise were inconsequential, with the entire game boiling down to picking one of 3 different endings during the last mission.
The shooter elements were not as fun/polished/balanced as contemporary games like Half-Life. The stealth elements were not as well executed as games like Thief. The RPG elements lacked the depth of other cRPGs like Fallout. The atmosphere and immersion was limited by the technology - the setting of a cyberpunk metropolis just wasn't believable.
And finally, the idea of a shooter-RPG hybrid and different gameplay approaches to the same problem was already done before by System Shock 2, which with its excellent atmosphere and survival horror elements, is a much better game IMO.
And with Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Thief 2, and The Sims all coming out in 2000, I wouldn't even call Deus Ex game of the year material.

Zero Punctuation: Deus Ex

mentality says...

Best PC game of all time? You gotta be joking.

I played it when the game came out, and while I agree that it is a good game, it did not provide you with any experience that was truly novel or exceptional.

The story was forgettable - whatever choices you made storywise were inconsequential, with the entire game boiling down to picking one of 3 different endings during the last mission.

The shooter elements were not as fun/polished/balanced as contemporary games like Half-Life. The stealth elements were not as well executed as games like Thief. The RPG elements lacked the depth of other cRPGs like Fallout. The atmosphere and immersion was limited by the technology - the setting of a cyberpunk metropolis just wasn't believable.

And finally, the idea of a shooter-RPG hybrid and different gameplay approaches to the same problem was already done before by System Shock 2, which with its excellent atmosphere and survival horror elements, is a much better game IMO.

And with Diablo 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Thief 2, and The Sims all coming out in 2000, I wouldn't even call Deus Ex game of the year material.

Bill Gates on iPad and Microsofts pad/touchscreen leadership

ponceleon says...


I have to disagree and it comes from someone who was in a very similar position to you when the first iPad was announced and came out. I've worked 13 years in IT and have a pretty good feel for technology and I was CONVINCED there was no real market for a device larger than a smartphone, but smaller than say an airbook. In my mind, the macbook air would have been something 100x better than an iPad for a lot of reasons.

When the iPad hit, I watched and initially felt vindicated because I felt it was just a larger iPhone that just didn't do all the things an iPhone did.

Over the following year though, I saw (at least in my office environment) a very clear niche that it fit far better than a laptop. While it is not as powerful, it was impressively useful in meetings. What people don't seem to get is that when you have a bunch of people with laptops in a meeting, it can actually get quite loud and distracting. There is also the physical barrier of the screen which seems to put people behind a wall in a subtle way. The iPad sits almost flush against the table, allows you to take notes silently and really reduces the distractions of larger laptops.

What impresses me so much about it as a productivity tool is that it doesn't replace a laptop or a phone, but allows for a very specific type of subtlety when in meetings specifically. A year later I got it to replace a macbook air and I'm VERY pleased with how good it is, specifically for meetings. The fact that you can turn it on and off quickly and the battery life is pretty damned good for all it does, I'm really sold for my own business purposes.

This said, I do have some major problems with the way that tablets are being pushed for things they absolutely SUCK at. I'm an avid gamer and I feel that while the iPad has been good with games that work in a touch-screen environment (puzzle games, rpgs, etc.) the insistence that apple and game developers have to try to shove motion/tilt control down my throat, or really shitty third/first-person shooter control is really really annoying. Puzzle Quest 2 - perfect on the iPad, Dead Space - unplayable on the iPad.

As for this video, he really didn't have a choice. Absolutely anything he said would have turned into a giant front-page BS article that would have hurt MS... I'm not surprised at all that he went with no-comment.

FPS Russia: LAW Rocket & 50BMG

Asmo says...

>> ^srd:

>> ^entr0py:
>> ^Encumberance:
The fact that it is all legal gets me.

Yeah, I know a lot of people that are against gun control. But you'd think that rocket control would be more widely supported. Except self-defense and hunting rockets of course.

So I'd be allowed to bring my RPG onto the New York subway?

We eagerly await the video of you trying it... ; )

FPS Russia: LAW Rocket & 50BMG

srd says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Encumberance:
The fact that it is all legal gets me.

Yeah, I know a lot of people that are against gun control. But you'd think that rocket control would be more widely supported. Except self-defense and hunting rockets of course.

So I'd be allowed to bring my RPG onto the New York subway?

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Game of Thrones RPG (Spoilers)

entr0py says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I think GoT would make a great and deep strategy game. In addition to battles, you'd also have to make negotiations with other lords in order to increase troop levels. You could cut off supply lines and watch public support for your opponents plummet. You'd also have to take care to be merciful and not cut off too many heads, lest you lose support among your bannermen. Strategic Alliances. Spies. Scouts. Assassinations. And of course random encounters with the Others (white walkers).
BTW, the books are awesome. I'm halfway through Clash of Kings right now. Time to read some more.

There's both a strategy game and an RPG currently in development by Cyanide Studios.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Man Vs. Wild RPG

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