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original everquest is not hard-part 1

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review

Fletch says...

Played it for a few hours so far. It is a great game, but hampered by an atrocious console UI. I don't understand why something seemingly as simple as a proper PC UI must depend upon the mod community to create, as I don't doubt it will yet again. The PC and console versions are not going to be played together. Why MUST they have the same limiting, ridiculously-nested, unwieldy user-interface? Assigning items to quickkeys (favorites?!) is a non-intuitive, circuitous joke, and item/spell/skill management is unnecessarily laborious. It's like the designers have never played a proper PC RPG before. I'd think with 100+ people working on the game, someone would speak up and say, "hey, this sucks".

The UI is what connects you to the game. It's that through which you experience the game. It shouldn't be a hinderance that must be overcome or endured in order to play. It should be intuitive, efficient, and unimpeding to immersion. Why would a developer take such a half-assed approach to the PC version of it? Yet another developer disrespecting the very platform and gamers that made them successful. I know... "whaaa!"

It may not seem like it, but I think it's still a great game. It's an awesome game! I've run into several bugs already, but no showstoppers yet. I just think it could be a much better experience for PC gamers without the consolized UI.

MW3 : The Vet and the n00b

Don't taunt a tank.

Don't taunt a tank.

Video Of The Moment Gaddafi Was Caught

Payback says...

>> ^mram:

Seriously, really, I recognize the adhoc and chaotic nature of the filming but would it really have been that hard to take a step back and have a clear video? An epileptic kangaroo could've held the camera more steady.
There's almost nothing to see here unless you want to freeze frame at opportune moments.
My apologies to any epileptic kangaroo filmmakers out there I might have offended.

You try pointing an AK, packing an RPG, while trying to figure out how your new Android phone works.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

quantumushroom says...

It's never been any other way, robo-homey. Just make sure position #2 blankfist's goop spells out 'STATIST IDIOTS'.

>> ^siftbot:

Congratulations. You have attained position #1 in the post-singularity carbohydrate liquification list. Human fatty tissue can be made into an effective fuel cell. Thank you in advance for your contribution.>> ^quantumushroom:
I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.
You mean, like Siftbot?

>> ^dag:
To be honest, as much as I agree with Grayson - they're both a shade on the douchey side. Kind of the difference between chaotic good and chaotic evil alignments.
I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

siftbot says...

Congratulations. You have attained position #1 in the post-singularity carbohydrate liquification list. Human fatty tissue can be made into an effective fuel cell. Thank you in advance for your contribution.>> ^quantumushroom:

I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

You mean, like Siftbot?

>> ^dag:

To be honest, as much as I agree with Grayson - they're both a shade on the douchey side. Kind of the difference between chaotic good and chaotic evil alignments.

I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

quantumushroom says...

I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

You mean, like Siftbot?

>> ^dag:

To be honest, as much as I agree with Grayson - they're both a shade on the douchey side. Kind of the difference between chaotic good and chaotic evil alignments.
I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

Grayson takes on Douchey O'Rourke re: Occupy Wall St

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

To be honest, as much as I agree with Grayson - they're both a shade on the douchey side. Kind of the difference between chaotic good and chaotic evil alignments.

I'd like to play an RPG where they had a "douchey good" alignment.

Game of Thrones 16 bit RPG

Zero Punctuation: Resistance 3

dannym3141 says...


I would also kill to see those older style of games come back. No one wants old graphics, they just want old content. Not only did i feel like there was more at risk and more difficulty in older games, but i felt like i got my money's worth out of it - which i must say i have only felt about VALVE games of recent times!

If they made a good modern isometric rpg like fallout or baldur's gate, with a kick ass story, i'd buy it, its sequel and its prequal and about 20 expansions for each.

Edit: Bloody spelling

Sgt Dakota Meyer awarded Medal of Honor by President Obama

MarineGunrock says...


First and foremost: Would you kindly go fuck yourself?

Now that I have that out of the way, religion has been an integral part of military ceremony throughout the entire history of our armed forces. No one is forced to be religious and the only place it comes us is with invocation at the start and ending of ceremonies.

As far as holding this guy above those that work towards cures for cancer: those researches aren't being shot at with AK-47s and RPGs. How the hell is what he did violent stupidity?

Of course this whole thing was presented in an calculated way. What would you rather? The president just get up on stage, undo his tie and just wing it? Fly from the seat of his pants? "Yeah, so uh, this guy here, welll, there was some shootin' and stuff, and some people got hit, so he and this other dude tooke a humvee to go get em. There was some more shootin' I think, and he save some do0dz lives."

Real world force field for combat vehicles

All Your History - Bethesda Part 4: The Next Level (S3E29)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'All Your History, Bethesda Softworks, part, fourth, IV, The Next Level, S3E29, RPG, game' to 'All Your History, Bethesda, elder scrolls, oblivion, todd howard, horse armor, fallout' - edited by xxovercastxx

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