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Member Since: January 19, 2008
Last Power Points used: February 8, 2013
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Comments to radx

bareboards2 says...

Thinking of you. Miss your bon mots and perfect English.

My cousin just helped an ailing former POW from WWII write his memoirs. I thought of you when he told of crossing a bridge with a huge unexploded bomb wedged into it.

She did some research to pad out his few memories, and added a story about unexploded ordinance being found in... Frankfurt? During construction?

I can't remember the details, but I do know that when it first happened you sent me a link to the discovery of the bomb.

Hope all is well.

dannym3141 says...

He's been under intense and frankly ridiculous scrutiny these first few weeks, with the most obvious of smear campaigns, negative phrasing and negative reporting by supposedly unbiased sources. I can only hope it will fade as time goes by and other parties (especially the incumbent one) make their inevitable blunders. However, the smear campaign will not stop.

The question is, have enough people had enough of the same old establishment nonsense? Have enough people begun to see through biased mainstream news? It's hard to see how he could win 2020 for me right now, even though i staunchly supported and promoted him. We needed a figure like him in British politics and i think he has had a huge impact on our politics since being elected already. I think we needed him to change the argument even if he can't win, though i think a decade of socialism would be very good for us.

radx said:

Well, it seems as if the election of Corbyn encourages some military officials to channel their inner el-Sisi:


And here I thought Cameron calling the newly elected leader of the opposition party a "threat to national security" was as wierd as it gets. I should have known better...

MilkmanDan says...

Those were both interesting to see and helped me establish some of the pros/cons of the goalie playing aggressively like that -- thanks!

It is quite similar in many ways to NHL goalies. In hockey, an aggressive goalie will skate relatively far out of their net to cut down the angle on shots from the periphery -- but that can go very wrong if the opposing team can sneak in behind them and get a shot on an essentially empty net. Like the hockey equivalent of the second video there.

And some hockey goalies pride themselves on being able to play the puck; accurately pass it up and out of their half of the ice, contributing to offense (but usually 2-3 or more passes removed from a shot attempt), etc. Some goalies *want* to be good at that, but end up just getting themselves into trouble. In that first video, Neuer looks like one of the NHL goalies that likes to play that way AND is actually good at it -- I'll think of him as the football equivalent of Martin Brodeur from the NHL, maybe.

Thanks again for going out of the way to enlighten me. I've got lots of friends here in Thailand (native Thais as well as Brits and Europeans) that are big into football while I'm usually pretty clueless. I tend to relate to football through the lens of hockey, as I'm sure you can tell. But it is good to get a bit better informed.

radx said:

I just remembered two great examples (turn off your audio unless you enjoy obnoxious music):

During the Supercup in 2013, Neuer spent nearly the entire second half of overtime in Chelsea's half of the pitch. Here's one of his successful interceptions/clearances, 114th minute, Chelsea up 2-1:

Sometimes, his clearance falls short and comes back to haunt him:

MilkmanDan says...

Thanks for the explanation!

radx said:

Outside his own team's penalty box, a goalie is treated just like a regular field player. He can run up the pitch whenever he pleases, as long as he's aware of the risk that entails.

In fact, some teams have so much possession of the ball, their goalies adapt a sort of sweeper role behind their centre-backs, who often advance up to the half-way line. FC Bayern Munich's Manuel Neuer being the prime example these days. You can often see him 30-40m in front of his goal, ready to clear any long passes behind his defenders.

enoch says...

watched that just today!
we must be related man.

i want to let you know something,which i may have been remiss in expressing:thank you for your links and your insight in the economic affairs of europe.economics has never been my strong point and your analysis and explanations are so very appreciated.

i admire your agile and nimble mind,and your humanity.
stay awesome brother!

radx said:


Hedges & West... can't beat that.

oritteropo says...

That's certainly possible, but I can think of other plausible explanations:

  • Spain's problems mainly involved real estate and non-productive investments. Maybe Greece was doing a better job of employing the borrowed funds, and therefore lost more with their removal?
  • Spain's austerity program started in 2010, their bailout was in 2012 but they left the program in January 2014. You can clearly see the dip in GDP during that timeframe, although as you say it does seem suspiciously small. Perhaps the effect of austerity was actually greater in Greece because the initial recession was deeper and the period of austerity was greater?
  • Spain's economy is more export focused, which helped offset the impact of reduced domestic demand (although at 33% of GDP vs 28% of GDP it's not enough).

radx said:

Take a look at these two charts, if you have a minute.

Spain: left scale is GDP (green) and industrial production & construction (black), right scale (inverted!) is unemployment rate (red)

Greece: same data, same scales

Unemployment tracks industrial production & construction in Greece and Spain, as you would expect. And so does GDP in Greece, but not in Spain.


It's too big a difference to not wonder if someone's fudging the numbers here to make it like austerity did the trick for Spain.

lurgee says...
radx said:

"[Amazon]’s proposal carves out airspace from 200ft-400ft exclusively for autonomous drones, with a further 100ft above it declared a no-fly zone."


Delivery drone, delivery, delivery, surveillance, delivery, delivery, surveillance, neighbour's drone with a blowtorch attached hunting Amazon drone, delivery, surveillance, delivery, delivery, delivery, Reaper.

Yeah, how about a no-fly zone. Or do we have to roll out these puppies again...

dannym3141 says...

Have you seen anything about the rise of Jeremy Corbyn (a long standing Labour party backbench rebel) in the UK party leadership election? There's quite an internet "buzz" around it. Almost a kind of British Syriza moment.

I've been saying for a long time that people could just be primed for an honest politician, with the modern social media apps/tech allowing for some real grass roots action.

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