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Comments to radx

newtboy jokingly says...

Please oh please, don't throw us into that briar patch, Brer Fox.

radx said:

"Saudi Arabia has told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks."

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/16/world/middleeast/saudi-arabia-warns-ofeconomic-fallout-if-congress-passes-9-11-bill.html

That's an interesting threat, if true. US treasury securities are the safest asset there is, and given the ginormous shortage of AAA assets worldwide, those would be vacuumed up in a split-second. Hell of a threat, really.

newtboy says...

Yeah, that Krugman piece was pretty ridiculous.
'It wasn't the big banks that caused the crash, it was smaller banks....like Lehman Bro's' (really, smaller?), not BofA and their cohorts.....um....no. I'm sure he's technically correct, that SOME economists have said that, but not those that are impartial.

I'm also getting pretty sick of this lie that Sanders didn't have a plan and couldn't answer the question of "how do you break up the big banks". It's a lie, pure and simple, and only works on the ignorant willing to listen to edited 'interviews' where his actual answer is cut out, or willing to believe those with a clear bias against him. He had a clear plan, he explained it, it's a reasonable plan and it's well thought out. That Clinton can't 1)understand it or 2) admit it, and that her subordinates are willing to spread the lie exemplifies HER lack of qualification to be president, not his.

It's funny (sad really) that many of the 'extravagant promises' that she mentions that have taught the African-American voting block to be distrustful came from the Clintons.

Again with the 'large lead in delegates' lie.....it is 1) not large and 2) quickly evaporating. Without the (well paid for) super delegates, Clinton's lead (before losing Nevada and Missouri) was already <10%, with most states yet to vote polling heavily for Sanders (except in land line only, day time polls). In the past week, 2 states that were called for Clinton have gone to Sanders thanks to her delegates not showing up for her...even they don't really care for her enough to vote, and they're HER DELEGATES! When do we get to start saying Sanders is the clear frontrunner and that Clinton is harming the Democrats by badmouthing HIM? That day must be coming soon.

To the guilty, blame assignment is often called 'petulance' and 'self righteousness'. When one answers charges with insults against those making the charges, it's a pretty good indication that the charges are true.

radx said:

Operative K's latest hit piece on Sanders, Sanders Over the Edge, was so off base with regards to the role of big banks in the financial crash that there's some really interesting comments on it floating around.

Just two examples: Paul Krugman Crosses the Line by Gerald Epstein and Why the Banks Should Be Broken Up by Matt Taibbi.

newtboy says...
radx said:

Let me quote the Grauniad: "While much of the leaked material will remain private, there are compelling reasons for publishing some of the data."

Translation: no worries, chumps, we'll keep your tax evasion hidden good and proper.

Maybe WikiLeaks will come to the rescue at some point and publish the raw data.

Edit: As Craig Murray puts it, Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak

oritteropo says...

Well, sure, but it was at least slightly amusing that a fund run by David Cameron’s father avoided paying tax in Britain http://gu.com/p/4tvn6/stw (as far as I can tell just about legal, but very shady) and watching FIFA squirm (again) could provide some amusement too.

Maybe my outlook is coloured by living in a country where although we don't have a huge problem with corruption (at least compared to Brazil, or the US) we can very much appreciate the Brazilian saying about corruption inquiries ending in pizza...

radx said:

The fact that a German lawyer by the name of Jürgen Mossack co-founded MossFon might motivate same folks to at least dig deeper into MossFon, which would be a start.

oritteropo says...

I think that's just because people found it quite suspicious that close associates of Putin were on the list. Isn't it the point that his name wouldn't be found?

Our local coverage is more interested in Wilson Security (one of the companies employed to staff our Gulags) and the Kwok brothers, but Putin and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson have been mentioned too (and Lionel Messi).

radx said:

Not a single North American citizen, apparently.

You know who isn't on that list either? Vladimir Putin.

You know whose name and face made it into most of the headlines about the Panama Papers? Vladimir Putin.

Makes my blood boil.

oritteropo says...

According to digg,

Notably and surprisingly absent: anyone from the United States.

Perhaps not really surprising though, when Delaware LLC's are both a popular alternative to Panama, and closer to home.

newtboy said:

Thanks for posting, I had not heard about this scandal. There's not been word one on American news about it.
I wonder how many candidates for president are implicated.
Too bad none of our broadcasters is mentioning it, even at 3am. It seems fairly important. It's likely the owners of our media are also involved, so wish to keep it as quiet as possible.
I wish there was a simple list of clients to read.

newtboy says...

Thanks for posting, I had not heard about this scandal. There's not been word one on American news about it.
I wonder how many candidates for president are implicated.
Too bad none of our broadcasters is mentioning it, even at 3am. It seems fairly important. It's likely the owners of our media are also involved, so wish to keep it as quiet as possible.
I wish there was a simple list of clients to read.

radx said:

Holy mother of all fucks, The Panama Papers have arrived!

Lambert over at NC already quoted Richard Smith's announcement of Mossack Fonseca stories this week, but to see it in a major German newspaper is rather surprising. One of our public broadcasters will air a special tomorrow night when nobody's watching.

2.6TB worth of data, 11.5 million files -- and not one of these fucks will go to prison for it. I've been following all of Richard Smith's articles about Mossack Fonseca over at NC, yet reading these pieces at the Guardian and the Sueddeutsche gets my blood boiling.

newtboy says...

OH SNAP! Bernie called her bluff and released the transcripts of his 'paid' speeches. Somehow I really doubt she'll follow through and release hers now, because they would end her campaign if people see and hear her selling her influence to bankers. (sorry about the 'reporter', not much choice, no one else seems to be reporting this)



radx said:

The way things are looking with regards to her e-mail server, all the shit she's desperatly trying to hide will either kill her campaign directly or it'll provide Trump with all the fuel he'll need to bury her in 10 seconds flat. Open every speech with a call for the Clintons' indictment, both of 'em.

Would be interesting to watch the establishment Dems drive the corpse of their party off a cliff as a means to push Hillary, only to have her then be reduced to a toupé for Emperor Donald, First of his Name. And by interesting I mean horrifying.

newtboy says...

Yeah, thanks, but I don't think my 'dislike' (or distrust) of Clinton needs any help. I'm more disgusted by her daily. All I need is to see what she's doing today, boldly and consistently lying about herself and her opponents, to know I really don't want her as my president. If I knew ALL her foibles, she might rank below Trump...and ER MER GERD! That's nuts!
I just really hope Bernie doesn't get screwed out of the nomination, or that he runs as an independent if he does. He'll get my vote if possible.

radx said:

If you really want to add some fuel to your, shall we say, "dislike" of HRC, have a look at this. It's an excerpt of Thomas Frank's new book "Listen, Liberal!". Afterwards, you might have to reassure yourself that HRC is, in fact, not a creation of John Cleese's or Terry Jones'.

Edit: I should probably have provided an appetizer.

"For poor and working-class American women, the floor was pulled up and hauled off to the landfill some twenty years ago. There is no State Department somewhere to pay for their cell phones or to pick up their day-care expenses. And one of the people who helped to work this deed was the very woman I watched present herself as the champion of the world’s downtrodden femininity."

oritteropo says...

No, hadn't come across it until now. Thanks for the link, seems like as good a starting point as any

radx said:

Did you follow any of that wierd Krugman/Friedman/CEA feud over the last few days?

If not, nevermind.

But if you did, take a look at Bill Black's latest on the matter. Both Bill Black and Jamie Galbraith had already torn Operative K a new one over this, yet Bill just keeps on pounding. It's quite brutal, and supremely entertaining.

I just love open conflict between heterodox economists and defenders of the orthodoxy.

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