what is the essence of kabbalah?

a very short,and very simple explanation of what kabbalah is,and what it is NOT.i find kabbalah fascinating,it has managed to infiltrate every known religion in one form or another yet it is NOT a religion.
i am going to refrain from commenting on the current commercialization of kabbalah.basically because i disagree with it..oops..i commented.

It may not be a religion, but it is still subject to the same criticisms as religion is. That being that it isn't based on any real, measurable science. Instead it is based on hoo haw (that is a technical term).


>> ^necrontyr:
Er. Kabalah is not a religion, but it requires you to believe in all the bullshit the believe. How is that different?

religion can mean many things,depending on perspective,but basically religion is based on set practices,rituals,dogma and doctrine.usually pre-determined,but not exclusive to,leaders of that particular religion at any given time.
kabbalah requires nothing from you,it is a means to study the intangible.a way to look upon reality and see the veil underneath everything.it is among the most ancient of oral traditions and accumulated practices known to human history,and is found in one form or another in every known religion,but is NOT a religion itself.how can a tool ever be considered a religion?
there is your difference,in a very paraphrased answer.
this is the center that made this video:http://www.kabbalah.com/


^ That was a long profile comment you sent me, enoch. I have a policy of not handling public disagreements in private, though, so I deleted it.

Sorry you didn't get my short comment here. Basically, I was saying "Fairies are fun," equating this video to the kind of fun idea that, while fun, is no more real than fairies.


>> ^braindonut:
^ That was a long profile comment you sent me, enoch. I have a policy of not handling public disagreements in private, though, so I deleted it.
Sorry you didn't get my short comment here. Basically, I was saying "Fairies are fun," equating this video to the kind of fun idea that, while fun, is no more real than fairies.

Wow. You're saying fairies don't exist? I'd like to ask you why you believe that.


"public disagreements"..ok,guess you didnt read my comment.
there was no disagreement.
i was havin a bit o fun,as i assumed you were also.
my bad for assuming.
text is a hard to read nuance...knowhatimsayin?


This is a recipe for what religion is. All the first points are what religion and religious faith bases itself on. "You can only learn the truth through us" on that basis, it's possible to completely dismiss it as bullshit altogether.


>> ^gwiz665:
This is a recipe for what religion is. All the first points are what religion and religious faith bases itself on. "You can only learn the truth through us" on that basis, it's possible to completely dismiss it as bullshit altogether.

by your definition pilates can be considered a religion,just change the moniker, "you can only get healthy through us".
i do very much agree with your statement that its possible to completely dismiss it as bullshit altogether.
yes..not only possible,but probable, for those who do not believe in a higher power/force/creator and there is nothing else but this physical universe.
but there are others who do believe in something more,some are religious,some spiritualists and others just really curious.
i posted this video for everybody who is curious.i would think even an atheist would be of a curious nature.i meet many who are more versed in christian biblical text than christians are.
its information about a way of looking at the intangible thats is many thousands of years old...thats all.
you can call it bullshit.the differnce is the kabbalaist doesnt care,they are not selling you anything,nor asking you to join their "group" and they would laugh at you if you even insinuated such drivel.
how can a man look at a wrench and call it "religion"?


^enoch If only all religions were what you described there. Nothing more than ideas that people have, which they are completely willing to not force onto others. I can tolerate, even respect that. If you're not going to try to convert me, or push anyone around, then you're cool in my book.

Of course, religions do wander into the realm of making statements of certainty - which I do personally take issue with. But to each their own - as long as it doesn't affect me.


>> ^braindonut:
^enoch If only all religions were what you described there. Nothing more than ideas that people have, which they are completely willing to not force onto others. I can tolerate, even respect that. If you're not going to try to convert me, or push anyone around, then you're cool in my book.
Of course, religions do wander into the realm of making statements of certainty - which I do personally take issue with. But to each their own - as long as it doesn't affect me.

agreed braindonut,prosleytizing(sp?) is a mandate of many of the semetic triad(jewish,christian,muslim)and i find it distasteful.
just another example of poorly translated scripture by institutions that only seek to propagate themselves.
which in itself is a scriptural contradiction.

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