tucker carlson denies global warming because it is snowing

i hate this little bowtie wearing,fraternity,trust fund baby douchebag.watch this and you may understand why.

Tucker IMO, is another one of those douche bags like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck who is smart enough to know that a lot of the right wing drivel is BS. They're just simply paid to pander to the base so pandering to the base is what they will do. Beck is a former DJ after all. He's just being paid to say a lot of shit. He was railing against the health care system too before his masters told him to blast the Democrat Health Care system.

They're just paid hit men. It's people like Palin who are the true believers that you need to worry about. (either that or she's the greatest actresses of all time)

Seriously, if someone paid you a butt load of money to heckle people and talk shit, you wouldn't be too quick to dismiss it.

I'm not saying they don't deserve what they get, however.


So what makes you think that Beck and others on the Right are the only shills, but Al "I-invented-the-internet" Gore is sincere in his desire to "save" an earth that doesn't need saving, and not just make billions off of his "carbon credit" scam?

The left still loves Bill Clinton because he (and Gore) supposedly stand up for 'the little guy.' But behind closed doors, when Bill's own little guy stood up, he threatened to fire women that didn't "kiss it". You would think equality-minded leftists would be repulsed by such vulgar displays of power BUT NO.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, aka Obama's and Hillary's life instruction manual, teaches how to...heckle and talk sh1t.

Different wings, same turkey.

>> ^VoodooV:

Tucker IMO, is another one of those douche bags like Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck who is smart enough to know that a lot of the right wing drivel is BS. They're just simply paid to pander to the base so pandering to the base is what they will do. Beck is a former DJ after all. He's just being paid to say a lot of shit. He was railing against the health care system too before his masters told him to blast the Democrat Health Care system.
They're just paid hit men. It's people like Palin who are the true believers that you need to worry about. (either that or she's the greatest actresses of all time)
Seriously, if someone paid you a butt load of money to heckle people and talk shit, you wouldn't be too quick to dismiss it.
I'm not saying they don't deserve what they get, however.


Nice attempt at derailing/trolling QM, but I'm not biting.

Never said there weren't any shills for the left. I'm not really a fan of Olbermann for instance.

But if you want to talk about Democrat shills, you'll have to put up your own video as the burden of proof is on you to make that claim, amigo. Gore/Bill/Hillary aren't really the topic of discussion here.


Which part of the 'right wing drivel' is BS?

The part about individual freedom and responsibility?

The part about fiscal responsibility?

The part about following the Constitution, which is the founding document of this country?

The part about free markets?


>> ^lantern53:

Which part of the 'right wing drivel' is BS?
The part about individual freedom and responsibility?
The part about fiscal responsibility?
The part about following the Constitution, which is the founding document of this country?
The part about free markets?

Wait. Fiscal responsibility? Free markets? Really? The right wing is still trying to lay claim to those virtues? If nothing else, I had hoped the Federal bailout package of the Wall Street scumbags who were the knowing architects of the ongoing global financial meltdown would have purchased us an end to that load of crap.


Those are all interesting "common goods" that I would love the Right Wing to actually embody.

It is only individual freedom and responsibility, I've noticed, when it is your freedom and somebody else's responsibility. (I can provide anecdotal evidence in proof of that statement, from the lives of my super conservative relatives.)

Being fiscally responsible is a great thing -- so why the continuing huge tax cuts to the wealthy, where it has been proved over and over that those cuts will not help the economy and only drive us deeper in debt? And all that crap about death panels, when it has been proven that when folks plan for end of life issues, huge amounts of unnecessary, expensive and ultimately painful prolonging of life treatment are avoided?

Following the Constitution. You support the ACLU, right? They fight for the Constitution all the time. The Right Wing doesn't own the Constitution, it belongs to all of us. Including the checks and balances inherernt in the document.

Free markets. Huh. Well, Teddy Roosevelt was conservative, but he recognized that truly "free" markets are not in the best interests of the country. Unless you like lead paint in children's toys?

Life is lived on a curve -- with the far right and the far left holding positions that try to drag the middle around.

We're on the same curve, though.

Liberals don't disagree with your list of common goods. They just want to implement them in differing ways. For example -- individual freedom. Libs get behind that in a big way for personal choices in the bedroom. Gay marriage and the reproductive rights are individual freedoms, right? But Libs get a little torqued when someone else's individual freedom may cost innocent lives -- hence their concern over gun control.

All this is off topic, though. Tucker Carlson is a raving red baboon butt of a human being who cares nothing for a reasoned conversation when he can make a living out of his Monkey Island antics. (Primate Island, I know, that just isn't as funny.)

The fact that Jon Stewart hates him makes me very happy.

>> ^lantern53:

Which part of the 'right wing drivel' is BS?
The part about individual freedom and responsibility?
The part about fiscal responsibility?
The part about following the Constitution, which is the founding document of this country?
The part about free markets?


I've decided to stop caring about the argument about global climate change. I'm tired of idiots being idiots and telling me that nearly every scientist on earth is a part of a vast conspiracy to tell us to stop polluting. It makes no sense, I'm not interested, the evidence is growing by the day how stupid you are.


Top 10 reasons for not believing in climate science consensus

1. Not being a climate scientist
2. Susceptibility to corporate programing
3. Subservience to media
4. Subservience to politicians
5. Ownership of a business that generates massive amounts of pollution
6. Paid to not believe publicly
7. Poor critical thinking skills
8. General gullibility
9. General ignorance
10. Wearing a bow tie so tightly that it cuts off circulation to the brain

>> ^lantern53:

Especially since there are a thousand other reasons to not believe in global warming.

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