the eleventh doctor is a total badass

took me awhile to warm up to matt smith considering david tennant was fantastic as the doctor but i have to admit..matt smith is a badass doctor.

Personally, I find Christopher Eccleston's manic portrayal to be my own favorite, although I came to appreciate Tennant's qualities by the end of his arc. Smith is quite good though...he certainly has nothing to be ashamed of.


>> ^Stormsinger:

Personally, I find Christopher Eccleston's manic portrayal to be my own favorite, although I came to appreciate Tennant's qualities by the end of his arc. Smith is quite good though...he certainly has nothing to be ashamed of.

i can agree with that.i just mentioned tennant because he was the previous doctor and i had become attached.


Perfect timing on this sift. My wife and I watched Matt Smith's debut for the first time last night. I already like him, but I think she still has the hots for David Tennant.


>> ^heathen:

>> ^Stormsinger:
Personally, I find Christopher Eccleston's manic portrayal to be my own favorite

Surely it has to be Tom Baker, if you like manic portrayals of The Doctor.
Here, have a jelly baby.

I've been trying to convince myself to go back and watch some of the older series...but they left such an awful taste in my mouth when I was a child that I haven't managed to do so yet. Even when I was 10, I couldn't get past that incredibly low budget...Dalek's made of trash cans and toilet plungers just called for too much suspension of disbelief.

Someday, I'll probably hold my nose and try.

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