still one of my all time favorites as a kid.i used to run home from the bus in order to catch my daily fix on this spectacular japanese epic sci-fi serial.
this is from the second storyline "the comet empire" and this particular episode is when the comet empire is preparing to attack earth and in running practice drills around the planet saturn and are ambushed by our heroes from the battleship "argo" (originally called the "yamato" which was changed for obvious reasons).
i realize that this cartoon will appear cheesy to most adults but as a kid i was absolutely dumb struck by this epic show.i had seen nothing like it from american cartoons and i was totally hooked.
so this is an exercise in nostalgia for me.
seems it is also for the man who lovingly and frame by frame remastered this entire star blazers library.
ShakyJakeGreat show, I loved this one, too. I think it's the voices they use in dubs that account for at least half the cheesiness, though. You could have a show with semi-serious content, but the american company that casts the voice talent will pull every cartoon voice actor that can do a "funny" voice to do it. It can be a whole different experience watching something in the original Japanese with subtitles, and then watching the same film dubbed into English.
enochthe dialogue is incredibly droll but the music is pretty damn amazing for a cartoon.
kymbosKewl. I was more a Battle of the Planets kind of guy, myself:
CrushBugNot obvious at all. Why was it changed?
enoch>> ^CrushBug:
Not obvious at all. Why was it changed?
the REAL battleship yamato was the flagship for the japanese pacific fleet during world war II.
that was the actual title of this show "the battleship YAMATO", so even the name of the show was changed to reflect a more universal appeal.
CrushBugI knew about the original Yamato, but even still I didn't think that was a reason to change it. Just saying Yamato sounds cool. Yamato. I am going to say it again. Yamato. Yeah, that is a cool word. Yamato.
Drax>> ^CrushBug:
I knew about the original Yamato, but even still I didn't think that was a reason to change it. Just saying Yamato sounds cool. Yamato. I am going to say it again. Yamato. Yeah, that is a cool word. Yamato.
~You say YA-MAY-TOE, I say YO-MAH-TOE...~
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lucky760Sorry, @enoch. DMCA take-down *kill
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