live hamster video game action


I had my speakers up all the way and when it first started it was so jarring I just hit the downvote without thinking... now that I'm listening to it thought it sounds really familiar... Columns? for Sega Game Gear? maybe I'm hallucinating.


...Damn! 1:40 when he she makes that ninja move and then stops to groom, like, "Yeah, baby, the shit is it...! ...that music freeekkin rocks..."Gimme some more quarters uncle Jeb!"...


*nochannel *videogames *parody *cute
I add videogames and parody channels for obvious reasons.
I remove the nature channel because it's meant only for outdoor untamed animals, IIRC.
It could also belong to: catsanddogs/pets, comedy, tech, music, and maybe viral. Since they are too many, I decide not to (re-)add any of them and let someone else decide, hopefully pigeon himself.


This video has been removed from all channels (comedy, cute, nature, tech) due to invalid channel assignment - nochannel invoked by looris. Please review the FAQ to learn about appropriate channel assignments.

Adding video to channels (cute, parody, videogames) - requested by looris.

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