Woman Looks Like She Aged 50 Years In A Matter Of Days

26-year-old Nguyen Thi Phuong, who turned into an old woman virtually overnight possibly due to mastocytosis, was admitted to Ho Chi Minh City University medical center this afternoon for treatment.

Based on the skin test results, Dr. Minh believed Phuong suffered from mastocytosis, a disorder caused by the presence of too many mast cells, leading to a number of symptoms like skin lesions, diarrhea, abdominal discomforts and other infections.

He said the surgery has 50-70 percent likelihood of success.

Phuong’s travails began in 2008 when she developed an allergic reaction to eating seafood. When Western medicines did not work, she switched to Chinese traditional medicine. But soon her body began to swell and cracks appear on her hands, legs, underarms, and groin.

As the condition worsened, her skin started to turn wrinkled and saggy, making the 23-year-old look like an old woman.

Here is an article that has a picture of her at 21 and one at 26.

Doctors say it may have been the long-term use of traditional medicines that caused the condition as they are often spiked with corticoids. These steroids speed up the effects of the unregulated remedies but could also have triggered the rare skin disease mastocytosis, where the body produces too many mast cells.

The difference is quite stunning. It also shows how much we really know about Dermatology.

I'll give you a hint: almost nothing


>> ^ponceleon:

Need more information, like Bud above, I'm smelling some bullshit.

Oh, I thought @budzos was saying being subject to random, often incurable diseases is bullshit --which I fully agree with. (Make advancing science a priority )

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