Windows 95 "Start Me Up" Commercial (1995)

15 years ago, Microsoft launched Windows 95 to the tune of the Stones "Start Me Up!"

windows 95 was actualy exciting.

to some exstent windows 7 had a degree of the same excitment , but windows 5 was where it was at having used windows 3.1 and other OS's such as the one on the atari ST and C64 , win 95 was pritty cool. allso i think when your yonger everything seems way more cool and not just a fractul repititoin of the same thing over and over again.

saying all that xp was good as well , but it was not realy exciting it was more of the same sort of thing as when getting win 7 , just a upgrade that was necaccery.

i think my first fully owned pc was win 98 with a voodoo 2 300mhz lol !


windows 3.x wasn't necessary and I preferred straight up MS-DOS at the time so stuck with that. Windows 95 replaced both DOS and Win 3.x so I had to use it. But still have my DOS 6.22 original floppies if I ever need to go back.

antjokingly says...

FreeDOS is better.


windows 3.x wasn't necessary and I preferred straight up MS-DOS at the time so stuck with that. Windows 95 replaced both DOS and Win 3.x so I had to use it. But still have my DOS 6.22 original floppies if I ever need to go back.

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