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Why Young Women Should Reconsider The Pill

Reports show that women who start taking oral contraceptives from their early teens and continue to do so for many years before getting pregnant, have an increased risk of getting breast cancer.

These findings are very detrimental compared to other medical studies:

"Combined oral contraceptive use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40% and the risk of endometrial cancer by 50% compared to never users. The risk reduction increases with duration of use, with an 80% reduction in risk for both ovarian and endometrial cancer with use for more than 10 years. The risk reduction for both ovarian and endometrial cancer persists for at least 20 years."
Referenced to a book of studies from the Wikipedia article on the combined oral contraceptive pill.


Guess it depends whose stats you want to follow. I developed ovarian cysts which required surgery, after being on the mini pill for only two years. I then quit and have had no problems since. I won't use it again.


When I was a junior in high school, I was hit by a car, and in the process of finding out no bones were broken, a large cyst was found on my ovaries. I was diagnosed soon after with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and told that my very irregular periods and cysts would not completely go away, however, going on the pill would help. If I did not, I had the chance of damaging my ovaries and minimizing my chances of having children down the road. There are benefits to artificial hormones.


Sure and ultimately it should be the woman's choice as to how she handles her health issues. If a woman is concerned about the long-term-use effects on her
body, from the pill, however, it's good to know that there ARE alternatives.

The pill is touted as the magical cure-all for all kinds of complaints, from acne to irregular periods, difficult periods, heavy flow, PMS etc but it is not the only effective treatment.

The herb, Vitex (agnus castus), natural progesterone and acupuncture are but a few that I know from my own regular use, ease all of the above symptoms.


Girls, please, personal experiences are no stats. And the video clearly says that it concerns woman starting on the pill in their early teens. Every other year someone starts a panic about contraceptive pills, which is always picked up by the popular media, resulting in a lot of women flushing their pills down the toilet and getting pregnant as a result, until after a while it turns out that the researchers made a mistake somewhere. I wish somebody would take the trouble and gather some stats on the number of women ending up in unhappy marriages, with aborted or broken up careers, with children they didn't really want (yet) or other misery as a result of this kind of half-, or sometimes simply, misinformation.

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