Why This Ice Cream Business Struggles To Find Investors

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The founders of the vegan ice cream brand Kubé need investors in order to meet soaring demand. Like many other Black entrepreneurs, they face systemic racism and other hurdles when trying to scale.

Editor's note: This story was shot in August 2020.

By definition there's no such thing as vegan ice cream. They make sorbet. Not a good start, misrepresenting the product.

I think the problem might be they want a three million investment in a company that struggles to make maybe $750 worth of product per day (no word on profit margin, might be zero) and already has huge debt, sounds like they have no distribution partners, and seems completely unprepared to expand....not necessarily due to their race. The shark tank would need >1000% of the company to invest that much.


Well, seen businesses out of old-boy networks get funded that were losing a lot of money so...not definitive.

But yes, weirdly, I agree with you. I didn't hear a single metric of profitability. Sometimes, folks want to think demand=profit. It can--but--it also just mean that your subsidizing your operations, running at a loss--and think you have business rather than a charity.

Pets.com (before Chewy)
etc etc etc.

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