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Why Border Security is needed


This is why we need a functioning immigration system, like we had before the felon’s first term, not why we need to defund immigration courts, not why we should halt asylum and refugee programs, not why we need to defund the border patrol like Republicans voted for.

The $20 million of taxpayer money used to go to the Super Bowl could have been spent hiring 400 border agents for an entire year! Or 100 immigration judges, either of which could make a noticeable positive difference. The $10 million spent on golf so far, another 200/50. The $1 million per military flight (instead of $8k per immigration flight) could have funded a thousand more border agents or 250 judges. That’s 1600 border agents or 400 judges not hired, not protecting the border, and every penny spent to pay for one man’s entertainment for 3 weeks. So much for eliminating waste or trying to fix the problem.
If doge was looking for waste or fraud, they would have hit the office of the president first, that is where the biggest wastes and frauds are.

Everything he complained about is a direct result of Republicans policy, not one bit from what Democrats voted for or implemented. Nothing the Republicans have done has helped stem the tide at all, except for destroying the economy which had many return home in 2020 for work. They voted against more border control, against better immigration courts, and against working with our neighbors instead of against them.
What keeps enticing immigrants from South America, and they’ve been 100% clear, open, and honest about it whenever they are asked, is Republicans politicians on TV every single day saying the US border is wide open, and that gets shown in their countries. Every time they say “open borders” 1000 immigrants say “woo hoo, let’s go!”.

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